Hi, I live in Fort William, Scotland but have lived in Hampshire and Sussex for years too. Work all over the world in the offshore industry. Was a diver but now an arm chair one...I Supervise now...that is, drink a lot of tea! Married, again, more kids than I know what to do with, had GSDs now a brown Lab...and an old Harley.

Fort William Scotland.
Current Landrover
Disco 300tdi (for sale!)...gone to a new home
Disco 2 td5 face-lift auto ES. Silver, black leather. All the bells and whistles. Lovely. Most of the time!!
Dream Landrover?
Got it...as long as it works ok.......!!
As above


  1. 10

    At last! Now you can flog yer rusty tat.

    50 posts, buy and sell awaits.
  2. 5

    Not run away screaming yet?

    10 messages posted. You must like it here!
  3. 1

    First Message

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