1. AH-4x4

    Electric Steering Pump - Swap NTC8287

    I hear that even new pumps will leak :( So why like to look into an electic one.
  2. AH-4x4

    Electric Steering Pump - Swap NTC8287

    Thanks.... will look into this 👍
  3. AH-4x4

    Steering Box Leaks (NTC1582)

    So like most old defenders my steering box (NTC1582 6-bolt) is leaking and have an advisory on my MOT to get this sorted. Can I seek advice if A) I should tear down the box myself and replace the seal or B) send it off for a recondition unit and swallow £300 for the privilege? How difficult is...
  4. AH-4x4

    Electric Steering Pump - Swap NTC8287

    So, I have tried a number of times to stop the leaks from my steering pump (NTC8287), but with no joy. I am fed-up with this and would very much so convert to an electric steering pump and wondering if anyone have done this before and if so what pump did they use?
  5. AH-4x4

    Help ending my leak - 200TDI

    Hi, yep did replace the ladge gasket... not cheap so hope its not that, but if so maybe not to bad to do. But like you say will check the rocker cover tomorrow and keep my finger crossed its that.
  6. AH-4x4

    Help ending my leak - 200TDI

    Hi, thanks for the comments, this is good news to hear.... will check the 1/2moom seals tomorrow :)
  7. AH-4x4

    Help ending my leak - 200TDI

    Hi Dag019, thanks for the coments... nice to know others have worst leaks. I have my MOT next week and got pulled up last year on my rear diff leaking. Got that sorted but seeing this other leak wasn't sure if it would fail the MOT.
  8. AH-4x4

    Help ending my leak - 200TDI

    Hi Guy, Need a little advice on the below (can of worms) that I need to jump into. A couple of years back I had a leak between my gearbox and the engine. Believed it to be the rear main seal I dived in , and replaced it. Since then, it has continued to leak ☹. But weirdly there is no oil coming...
  9. AH-4x4

    200tdi Removing Lower Thermostat Housing from Engine

    Thanks guys will go with that plan of attack. :)
  10. AH-4x4

    200tdi Removing Lower Thermostat Housing from Engine

    Hi, Need some advice, on a 200tdi the lower thermostat housing bolted to the engine block can you remove it without taking off the water pump and timing case? I need to replace the gasket but it looks so tight to do so. ????
  11. AH-4x4

    200TDI Oil Sump Plug - Which Copper Washer to Use ???

    Thanks Turboman... looking at the Haynes Book its calling for 45Nm on the drain plug, seems abit excessive, is this correct?
  12. AH-4x4

    200TDI Oil Sump Plug - Which Copper Washer to Use ???

    Hi All, Need some advice, my engine on a 200TDI defender 90 is a 11L 17377A, with the BritPart service kit I got a crush and a solid copper washer for the oil pan plug. Which one should I use? Also is it just me or doing the oil pan plug up is very stiff..!!! ? seems cross threaded but had the...
  13. AH-4x4

    200tdi Oil Plug Size ? & leak repair.

    Hi, can you help..... Since I bought my 90" the engine oil pan plug has always leaked from the plug in the past being cross-treaded. Over xmas I am looking to take the oil pan off and as a "Plan A" tap it out to see if this helps. But i am not sure what tap size i would need, can anyone help...
  14. AH-4x4

    LT77 5 speed leak - Copper washer or not ???

    Thanks all, maybe i need to check the torque setting on the drain plug to stop the leak... the books noted 51 Nm. Seem high..!!!
  15. AH-4x4

    LT77 5 speed leak - Copper washer or not ???

    Hi, following a fluid change on my LT77 gear box I have developed a leak on the drain plug. I can’t remember if there was a copper washer there but on the parts diagram its doesn’t show any. Is this correct ??? When I looked up parts for the LT77 I see on eBay that people sell a kit with a...