1. adrian hogg

    Injection pump

    take it to the guys at Dieselec they will tell you exactly what's needed, will not rip you off and will do a first class job
  2. adrian hogg

    Defender 110 1990 19j fuel leak

    be careful on removal it may have a ball bearing installed in the side
  3. adrian hogg

    Radio only goes on for 1 minute

    have had this with other brands and it is usually because the audio system is coded to the cars body control systems as a security measure. Changing the audio or leaving battery disconnected for extended period results in loss of "memory" which has to be reprogrammed. Not sure if any of the...
  4. adrian hogg

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Changed oil and filter in my TD5 Defender. I just wish I could meet the juvenile paper engineer who put the oil filter in a totally inaccessible place
  5. adrian hogg

    I have imported a 1990 RR from Spain and have hit a wall with the CoC

    JLR should be able to issue a COC I guess they will charge as most manufacturers do. Frequently Asked Questions - Land Rover FAQ
  6. adrian hogg

    Retrofit seats for 2a

    The easiest option is those from a late model Defender. Ipicked up a pair on a well known auction site quite cheaply. They bolted straight to the existing rails and are quite comfortable enough for me.
  7. adrian hogg

    Series 3 Rocker assembly advice.....

    I found the oil holes blocked in some of mine. It trashed the shaft anf follower bushes
  8. adrian hogg

    Rear Anti Roll Bar Links

    tighten the nut back up and clean or cut off the rusty damaged threads then undo again
  9. adrian hogg

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    Been out to test my 90 TD5 after installation of a Disco transfer box and can honestly say I love how it drives now. If you don't run massive tyres or tow massive trailers then go for it I am sure you will like it too.
  10. adrian hogg

    Series 2 Need 2.25l petrol suggestions for current trouble

    Where are you based. The firm that did mine in the Black Country were excellent and not expensive
  11. adrian hogg

    picture from 1985

    I was working in Sudan for John Deere and later Caterpillar. One of the British Embassy staff was an historian and suggested we had a day driving north to visit a few of the areas where historic battles had taken place. Almost 50 degrees on a warm day! I was shattered after climbing the hill to...
  12. adrian hogg

    picture from 1985

    Found this whilst having a clear out. Happy memories of a good day out just North of Khartoum
  13. adrian hogg

    Series 2 Need 2.25l petrol suggestions for current trouble

    good article on vacuum gauges here https://www.motor.com/magazinepdfs/082001_05.pdf#:~:text=Remember%20that%20engine%20vacuum%20isjust%20air%20pressure%20lower,valve%20and%20right%20at%20the%20intakeand%20exhaust%20ports. Mine was similar but not so bad on compressions and i found this. i had...
  14. adrian hogg

    4 cyl Yanmar

    have you got this running yet
  15. adrian hogg

    td5 emissions

    See here 8. Nuisance - MOT inspection manual: cars and passenger vehicles - Guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) It is clear that if a tester observes an EGR valve is missing it is a Major defect and hence a fail Exhaust emission control equipment You only need to check components that...