
Well-Known Member
Hello all, now that I'm back on LZ (don't know how I lived without it! :D) I thought I'd share with you all my YouTube channel devoted to Land Rover related dicking about :)

Here's the channel:

And here's our latest laning video:

In the near future I'll be uploading a series of restoration and Cummins conversion videos of my 127 seen in my signature picture, so subscribe if you're interested in that :clap2:

Cheers all! :)
loved the laning vid, most impressed you got the disco going after that dip.

Cheers! :D

I was equally surprised that nothing was terminally damaged by its little excursion into the water too. I think what saved it was I turned the engine off as soon as it started to die, so it didn't try to properly compress any of the water.

Good vid loads of fun no snorkel tho

Definitely a lot of fun making it. And yeah quite right, although I would have been fine had I gone in a bit slower I think! The FourTrak had no trouble!! :lol:

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