

When i was about 8 i went in a landrover with my uncle and i loved every minute of it. Landys are just soo lovely to look at and also i would LOVE to own one.

Just a few questions really:

1. say i get a series 2a or a defender 90 in 2.25 diesel engines will it be REALLY expensive to run?? I would mainly use it for getting to work and college and weekends would be for off-roading and GLing.

2. how old were you when you got your first LR?

I passed my test 3 weeks ago and i have a little fiesta which is good and takes £30 to fill up tank and i was just thinking on when i should get a LR. Do you need a lot of money to run one?


Your biggest problem will be insurance unless you get a vehicle old enough to qualify for classic insurance and even then some of those policies don't build up a no claims discount.

If you are as keen as you sound then get something which needs work and spend a couple of years taking it to bits and rebuilding it, then not only will you know all the ins and outs of your motor and how to fix it but you will have some no claims built up on your current insurance and be that bit older as well.

Then your biggest expense will be fuel and putting lots of toys on it as you'll be a complete anorak by then and wanting to do more.:D

Im not sure classic insurance is applicable to under 21s, I can't go with NFU or Adrian Flux until december!

But they are right, insurance is your biggest pocket breaker, on such a dangerous vehicle, then comes fuel, you won't get into the 30s ever MPG wise!
Defenders will be a 2.5, the 2.25 was a Series engine.

Try NFU (National Farmers Union) for insurance - they're usually pretty good with landy's. Get quotes for the Tdi as well... you might be pleasantly surprised. You'll get somewhere between 20 and 30 mpg from the 2.5 n/a engine, similar from the Tdi unless you're nice to itin which case mid 30's is possible. A full tank of diesel will set you back about £60 plus change... mine does between 350 and 400 miles on a tank, but I'm very nice to it to get that sort of mileage.

I was 35.

i got my Landy when i was 21 Disco 2 ES. not the cheapest thing to run. Insurance was about 700 a year fully comp with i think 2 years no claims, 120 pounds to fill up now, goes about 500-550 miles. Tax is 185 a year, Services if garage do them are about 300 ish sometimes more, depending on what needs to be done, Good tyres, about 100-120 each. Stuff always breaks. Its only going to get more expensive too with fuel etc. but what the hey, you can't take your money with you!!!!!
I got my dads 3.5 V8 Range Rover Classic when I passed my test at 17, insurance was always on his policy and the few miles I did to work and back a week I never really noticed the fuel....
i have a little fiesta which is good and takes £30 to fill up tank and i was just thinking on when i should get a LR. Do you need a lot of money to run one?



Filling a Series tank will cost you £40-45, but it will only get you around 170-180 miles!
Cool, thanks for all the help. hmm i might try and get a tax exempt series 2 or 3 but the fuel comsumption is pretty high. I would LOVE to buy a land rover for around £1000 and then fix it through the years but i wouldnt know where to start unfortunately :(.

When im in my 20s i probs will get a defender 90 then. Anyway, even if it drinks fuel life is too short not too get one :)
I got my 90 at 18, and have it insured with cis who are good for insuring young drivers, mine is £900 a year, but thats due to change as before I had 0 no claims years. I don't know how many mpg it does, I haven't tried to work it out, and I can't change it whatever it does, unless I open the fuel pump but that would then cost more. And good luck, hope you get your landy! I had a polo, but now I wouldn't look back, I can do anything and everything (nearly) in my 90.
Got my first Landy when I was 26, my third car following a crappy Fiesta and a rust ridden MGB GT which I loved but couldn't afford to maintain.

I tend to get around 15 mpg (on a good day) out of my Series 3. I do use my Landy to commute to work, but then it's only a 10 minute drive. In fact I just tuned down promotion because I'd have to transfer office and wouldn't be able to afford the petrol due to the longer commute.

Insurance wise I've used CIS and Footman James for my cars.

If you're seriously thinking about a Land Rover, especially a Series you need to remember that they are old vehicles so they will go wrong. So unless you know mechanics they can cost you. On the plus side spares are seemingly more readily available than any other classic car. And a Land Rover is such a fantastic machine.
i wer 17 wen i got my defender 90 did drive a peoguet 106 which was ok but got defender wen id been drivin bout six months it soooo much better than drivin round in a little car but i can do pretty much most of mechanical side of havin a landrover which makes it cheaper to run.

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