Where I live near Inverness, there are lots of farmers who've converted to jap pickups instead of defenders. They're cheaper, faster, quieter, drier, and cheaper to run.
Losers have all gone native.

Defenders rock.
Where I live near Inverness, there are lots of farmers who've converted to jap pickups instead of defenders. They're cheaper, faster, quieter, drier, and cheaper to run.
Losers have all gone native.

Defenders rock.

Yeah but that far north they also sleep with their sisters!
I always get mad at holiday makers doing 40mph everywhere....except when in the series.....because i am flat out and can't keep up!! rofl!
ohhh i must live in posh countryside then cos we have about an equal mix of farmer fenders and posh rangies:p
ohhh i must live in posh countryside then cos we have about an equal mix of farmer fenders and posh rangies:p

Most arable farmers drive Range Rovers these days. Dairy farmers will have a newish Defender or a Jap pick up of some sort. Sheep, beef and market gardeners will have the "farmers special", £175, beaten up jumble of parts which might be mostly Hilux, some bodywork adapted from a disused shed, 4 road tyres of different makes and major components held onto the vehicle using baler twine.
Several fenders round here and quite a few discos but its more like L200 city tho , see loads of them every day round here .
most around here have a nice new jap double cab for going to the mart sale and an old war horse defender for actual work, complete with twisted bumper and both front corners dented, obligitory ivor williams canopy and set of white eight spokes passed down landy to landy. got to have paint worn off from havin the elbow out window and baler twine hanging out the tailgate, plus mental sheepdog.
so many like that round ere i was whinking it was a standard dealer spec or somethin :)
Dunno about what the farmers round here drive but we see plenty of Landies like these on the roads around this time of year!! :D




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Most arable farmers drive Range Rovers these days. Dairy farmers will have a newish Defender or a Jap pick up of some sort. Sheep, beef and market gardeners will have the "farmers special", £175, beaten up jumble of parts which might be mostly Hilux, some bodywork adapted from a disused shed, 4 road tyres of different makes and major components held onto the vehicle using baler twine.

pmsl nearly right, our beef farmer has a real farmers special, old hilux with a rear window missing and big dent in roof because he hit it with the muirhill bucket, 1 slow puncture and no 4 wheel drive cos it's knackered:rolleyes: can't get in the back seats cos there full of stuff, not that you;d want to cos theres bound to be a few used vaccs needles in there:eek:
pmsl nearly right, our beef farmer has a real farmers special, old hilux with a rear window missing and big dent in roof because he hit it with the muirhill bucket, 1 slow puncture and no 4 wheel drive cos it's knackered:rolleyes: can't get in the back seats cos there full of stuff, not that you;d want to cos theres bound to be a few used vaccs needles in there:eek:

I've got a load of used vac needles womblilng around in my starlet....enter at your peril!
only place to see landys round here seems to be in a random banks head office car park. More likely to see a scooby or burnt out zuped up chav mobile round here :-s

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