
New Member
Right guys I have posted like this with lancs aswell because its only 30mins drive from the lancashire border so its not to far for ya to travel. Right we off laning and are making a weekend of it.
A few of us are off up the Yorkshire Dales laning, I know it is short notice but is only occuring as nobody has the spare cash to do the Lakes Run i was planning (Me included). We will be meeting in Pately Bridge on Saturday early doors and driving to Ribblehead, it is mainly on lanes with a lunch stop in Kettlewell. We are camping at Ribblehead behind the Station Inn Satuday night which is FREE for those who want to, they offer a Bunk House and B&B at reasonable rates. This is partly to celebrate Jim Willys Birthday so although as ever it will be family friendly we will be up very late Saturday night drinking and being merry and it won't be overly quiet in the camp. So if ya want to join then just let me know.
The lanes are scenic and not challenging except one which is easy in a Landy but does require a bit of spotting due to a rock step. I have waffle boards, ropes etc and will spot any unsure people up the step (New People tend to go in My group so i can keep My eye on You

There is camping friday night if you wish to come early so ya not driving about with a truck full of camping gear....:D
Send me a private message for more info.
Hi, If you decide to do a run in the Lake District (Around Cumbria) Please give us a shout. I have only recently bought a 90 and already have met several people who might be interested. I may also be able to arrange the use of a local off road course to play on.

Cheers Taz
Nay man ya just to late. I just done 2 days laning up there. The first day we led a team around grizdale forrest then the second day we did the lanes above Coniston round Skelwith Bridge area. We was camped at torver. If only we had known. Why dont ya get ya self down for this Greenlaning do. If fuel is the problem you can jump in wi me if you want. Where in the lakes are you based ?
I am right on the coast near Seascale (Between Whitehaven and Barrow)
Gutted I missed your last run. I desperatly need some proper mud, my landy getting withdrawal symptons.

Hey up Miniman. Is this laning do Saturday just gone or next Saturday. Either way Bollocks I could have made it yesterday but can't make it next Saturday.
Telaren said:
I am right on the coast near Seascale (Between Whitehaven and Barrow)
Gutted I missed your last run. I desperatly need some proper mud, my landy getting withdrawal symptons.


Well Ribblhead where we are all camping is about a hour drive from kirby Lonsdale so it wont be that far for ya. :)
GRUNT said:
Hey up Miniman. Is this laning do Saturday just gone or next Saturday. Either way Bollocks I could have made it yesterday but can't make it next Saturday.

Ay up grunt. Shame int it. Yep next saturday. Why cant ya come ya to busy with ya woman or somat.....:rolleyes:
Necrophilia. Thats dead boring that is.

I once new a bloke that was into flagelation, necrophilia and beastiality.

I reckon he was flogging a dead horse.

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