
New Member
Found myself happily signing ownership paperwork for a 1975 LWB Series iii Safari a year ago. Somewhat
unexpectedly as I've only recently passed my driving test (for a car, I've ridden Brit. motorcycles since 18) and only then because I'd started my own business and really HAD to. Previously the nearest to owning a four wheel vehicle was a Heinkel Kabine = three wheels. But having taken my test I got a Berlingo which was OK.. but not exactly inspiring. Then my husband spotted an ad. for this Land Rover and because I'd now and again mentioned liking the look of them (he's a Willys Jeep man ) suggested we take a look. I love functional
practical, robust vehicles - and the look of this one. Comfort and 'extras' have never been a priority and I'm looking forward to putting this one to work and getting it/me out onto the road. Such a lot to learn though! - I'm used to tracking down parts for various bikes over the years but this is a whole new world. Happy to be here.
Welcome aboard :)

+1 on wot he said above ;) ....nice looking bus there :) - though that passenger side wing looks like it needs a bit of love ;)

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