
Active Member
Every year a mate of mine has an outing - sometimes boxing day, sometimes between Xmas and New Year.....just so happens that I organised a separate trip on the same area on the same day?

So what to do? Well - we met at the RV - had a good chin wag - met some new faces, then split and did our lanes. Met at lunchtime at a nice spot in the middle of Kings Forest (near the old Mustard Gas Factory which was once the East of England tank museum) - then split and finished the rest of our routes...

here's some pictures from a very bright but extremely cold day.....

And yes there are eight land rovers there including my Bobtail, Blackstrat's 90, David722's Disco, a Series one (hidden behind the guys chatting) , a 2 door Classic, some more Discos including a TD5.

And before all you smart arses wade in the group was split into two so that the groups weren't too big....

Great day all round....


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