
Well-Known Member

On first glance, it looks a sensible enough bit of kit, but i dont know what the actual "slow down" factor would be?

It obviously would not have the deterrent factor of the "disklok", but would be a load easier to actually use once fitted (as in no change to working of the car, no stuff to store, bounce about in a crash, etc)

Im considering it in combination to their fold-away peddle lock - not because im a x-eng fanboy, but just that im looking for the options that are quick and easy to use, and dont require storage.

So, anyone got one fitted? What do you think (i mean, when fitting it, did you think it would do the job, if force were applied?)
Would not rely on one as the only deterrent but as part of a layered approach, certainly it is ok.

Fitting is easy enough but as the final fit is via a shear-nut I ran it around for a few weeks using a normal bolt to ensure there were no unforeseen problems, as it turns out the only problem I encountered was that if you somehow over-tighten the bolt then it can distort the casing! I trimmed the shroud using a Dremel, easy to do and as long as you only remove a small amount of material at a time you can make a really nice job of it. The only visible indication that it is fitted is the blue disc that fits around the lock barrel, I found that a drop of thread-lock is required to stop it unscrewing.

Does it work?
It prevents the lock being ripped apart but of course it is still possible to remove the shear-bolts which hold the lock to the column and then hot-wire the vehicle so if the thief has plenty of time then it can be bypassed but as I said before, as part of a layered approach it is a good investment.
Use along with a steering-wheel lock (Disklok are considered the best), decent pedal lock (X-Eng item is convenient but others are stronger), alarm / immobiliser, vehicle tracker, battery / fuel isolators etc etc etc.

Photo below shows both the X-Eng column & pedal locks fitted.

Thought I'd resurrect this thread.

Anyone else have any experience/feedback on this item?

Thinking of getting one as a general upgrade
I love mine, easy to use and can be seen if you glance through the window.
Great if you're just nipping in a shop, : )

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