
Manky innards but smilin' still
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been onto ebay to look, but asking on here first, if anyone has one sitting in a cupboard, doing nothing, that they'd sell. Think of the Landy bits you could buy instead ;) :D
They be wrong ;) my major problem with it is that you have to pay £35-£50 a year to play online after buying a £170 console!

No blu-ray player either

not bothered about blu-ray ,i know the other bit ,but they still prefer it and 12/13 year olds know more about this stuff than 20 year olds
not bothered about blu-ray ,i know the other bit ,but they still prefer it and 12/13 year olds know more about this stuff than 20 year olds

My lad is 11 and he knows what he wants - he's been after one since last year but they've come down enough in price for me to afford one now
My lad is 11 and he knows what he wants - he's been after one since last year but they've come down enough in price for me to afford one now

grand theft auto ? apparently once you enter your house you cant use a gun to slaughter your family ,though you can shoot the police through the door
truthfully I have no idea what games he wants- the only one I hear over and over again is Minecraft (I know its not x box) - not only does he play it when ever he can but he then watches other peoples games on You Tube and now he posts his games on there too- I just don't get i:confused::confused::confused:
truthfully I have no idea what games he wants- the only one I hear over and over again is Minecraft (I know its not x box) - not only does he play it when ever he can but he then watches other peoples games on You Tube and now he posts his games on there too- I just don't get i:confused::confused::confused:

so do mine they love minecraft ,watch utube and make their own ,i believe you can interact with your mates whilst playing he game with xboxes etc

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