
Well-Known Member
i bought a 90d and insured it. then changed the engine to a 200/300tdi? i think if i was to declare it i would get bummed on insurance. at the mo i can get it dirt cheap, even for a 300tdi. but i cant find any landys in my price range! (or who will swap for my car as it hasnt sold yet). im not arsed about doing work to one be it welding or changing gearbox's.
Two different thoughts on this:
1 - Tell your insurance company EVERYTHING. They love finding a reason to wriggle out of paying up, so it's mad not tell them you've changed your engine.
2 - Don't tell them about the engine swap as it's still a 2.5 turbo diesel.

I went for option 1 - and my insurance did go up. In fact the people I was with originally wouldn't cover me when I put the Tdi in as I couldn't provide an engineer's report (WTF???) Went to Adrian Flux and they didn't bat any eyelid.
i bought a 90d and insured it. then changed the engine to a 200/300tdi? i think if i was to declare it i would get bummed on insurance. at the mo i can get it dirt cheap, even for a 300tdi. but i cant find any landys in my price range! (or who will swap for my car as it hasnt sold yet). im not arsed about doing work to one be it welding or changing gearbox's.
Effectively you have paid but are not insured unless you tell them what you have done. What better excuse does you insurance company need to refuse to pay up?
well im pretty sure most insurance companies will find their way out of every insurance policy if the cost is high enough. you are right tho, its not the best of things to be doing. im 20 and can insure a 200tdi for 800 quid. driving for 2 years as a named driver but admiral are giving me discount still. think i might just either live with the slow arse D or just wait for a tdi to crop up. il see what the price goes up to if i do tell them about the mod and see.

you need burning if your not legal.the whole point of LZ is we all run legit landys.get sorted out or **** off to lro where they swap wives and numberplates.
I just go with the thought that not declaring an engine swap is basically like your not insured at all. WHats the point in having an insurance policy if its phoney.

Its worth speaking to some specialist companies,you might be pleasantly surprised.
i bought a 90d and insured it. then changed the engine to a 200/300tdi? i think if i was to declare it i would get bummed on insurance. at the mo i can get it dirt cheap, even for a 300tdi. but i cant find any landys in my price range! (or who will swap for my car as it hasnt sold yet). im not arsed about doing work to one be it welding or changing gearbox's.

So you don't even know if you put a 200 or a 300tdi in it?

You say you can get dirt cheap insurance for either, but haven't bothered.

Then you say you can't find any landys in your price range..

So, i'm confused...have you got a landy or not?

Either way...with all due respect.

You're a cock.
Noo havnt got one yet. I can get cheap insurance for standard 200 and 300tdis, which is what I want. But they are all too dear so was going to get a d an put a 200 engine in. But insurance then put the price way up coz it's modified.
It's alright il leave it and get a 200 when the right one comes up. I was just thinking aloud.
Noo havnt got one yet. I can get cheap insurance for standard 200 and 300tdis, which is what I want. But they are all too dear so was going to get a d an put a 200 engine in. But insurance then put the price way up coz it's modified.
It's alright il leave it and get a 200 when the right one comes up. I was just thinking aloud.

best be legal boyo when ya do or yers get a good slap.:mad:
not wishing to drag this thread on to long....

but is swapping a old turbo 2.5 diesel with a 200tdi a modification?

my thoughts are that land rover actually sold kits to do so, and you are putting a land rover engine in and not say a perkins diesel or some jap engine, at very least get it insured as a 200tdi....any thoughts?

agreed you need to declare the engine has changed as that's in the log book...
Ahhh, insure it as if it was a 200tdi anyway. That's good thinking!

Definately better to be legal I agree. I will be legal aswel, I just wasn't sure if it would be ok with it being a land rover engine.
There's a fair bit of emotion around this topic, as this kind of "sideways" thinking about insurance only leads to disappointment if you ever have to claim, and higher premiums for the rest of us poor buggers if someone has to claim against you. It's not worth the risk of either getting caught, or being tarred with the same brush as those boy racer ****s.
Its more the fact that people try every possible way to cheat their way to cheap insurance and then have the balls to complain about the high price of renewal.

If his landy got wrote off he'd want top book price for a 200tdi despite having insured it as a td or n/a 2.5....

Don't get me wrong, i think insurance companies rip folk off...but its just a vicious circle when so many try to rip off the insurance company...and the not so small matter of being un-insured if, god forbid, someone gets hurt in an accident...is it worth it? No.
It doesn't help when every poor bastard is encouraged to make a personal injury claim after the slightest prang. I know a guy that was actively persued by a "no win, no fee" style company. After the 3rd or 4th call he got ****ed off and demanded an explanation as to why they were persueing him, and it transpired that the company had 'bought' the claim from his insurance company. It's wrong, but legal.

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