Would you be interested in joining a Freelander club?

  • Yes definately

    Votes: 53 62.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 20 23.5%
  • Nope

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Yes and I would love to help run it as well

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • I have been driven mental by my freelander so Ive bought a defender!

    Votes: 1 1.2%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Hi Ive just looked for a Freelander owners club to join and I couldn't find one, I was just wondering if anybody is interested in joining a club or even helping to run a club i.e. running of website etc
Depends on the costs/benefits.

e.g., if I get one of WLJayne's window stickers, I'm in :)
As above, depeneds on cost/benefits, but yes I would be interested :D Im sure there used to be one, but it kinda just dissapeared?
When we bought our Freelander in July, the first thing I did was look for an owners club, so YES I'd join:)

There are a few forums but I was thinking more of an actual club where we could perhaps meet once a year or whatever and have a news letter. I'm not really sure what is involved as Ive never run one before or how much it would cost etc but I just thought I would put the feelers out to see if anybody would be interested before I looked into it any deeper.
I was a member of the Freelander owners club. The problem is that 99% of people want to be part of it, but 99% of people don't want the hassle of helping to run it. I'm embarrassed to say that includes me. With working night on a permanent basis I just don't have the time nor the inclination to help with the running ,organisation , or be an administrator , chairperson,secretary etc.
When these jobs became available in the original Freelander owners club due to people having/ needing to retire from those positions, there was a distinct lack of members willing to fill these vacant positions which helped towards the demise of what was an excellent club.
Yes I would definitely join, but as a member only, sorry.
I'd be in like a shot, I'm a member of another car club for another vehicle I have, and without that club the car would've been scrapped.
We have a club on ere. No fees, no one in charge, no withdrawal of toys when it dun't go their way, no positions of responsibility, no membership other than joining the forum... Sign up and yer in. Take part if yer want to. Meet up with others if yer want to...

I'm not interested in a club. I don't mind if others want to set one up. It can be a lot of work which is perhaps why the Freelander club closed. At the time we were told not enough peeps turned up to vote the way forward.

The one thing I would suggest is to think of what you could do without a club, on ere with our informal club. If you want to arrange an oft road day/weekend then do so on ere. You could think up an idea and ask for numbers to see if it's viable to go ahead. Simple things like meeting up at pay and play days. If you get enough you could have a camping weekend and hire a pay and play site to yerselves for a day. Or hire it without the camping. I've been on trips with others who hired a site to ourselves and we got a discount on entrance fee. If peeps tup norf want to arrange a localised meet then advertise and see what happens. Same for those in other areas. This would share the work load.
I agree with that.

The way I see it, car clubs are just for someone to make money on memebership fees. And what do you normally get for your fees? A cheapo 'newsletter' and a sticker. Whoopidoo...
Then you always get your elite committee members who just like bossing people around, then those with the superior cars who look down on the rest etc etc etc.

Forums are the way forward, and so much less hassle, yet so much more can be got out of them! I think the clubs will naturally die off. I've been in the Porsche Club of GB, Triumph Sports Six Club, MX5 Club and never got anything worthwhile out of them. Waste of money...
I agree with Spacemonkey and Hippo, I've been a member of a forum car club before and it doesn't work, better just keeping things informal, it stops elitism and folk getting up their own arse and ruining things. A community like we have on this site is better than a club.
Fair enough, I think it's a good idea to arrange camping weekends etc on here if that's what people want to do. I can sort that out if people want to come to Holmfirth camping as I live on a campsite!! lol I didn't want to start a club so I could be in charge or show off with my 1998 motor, I've been a member of a car club before and I liked putting faces to screen names. :)
I'm from the Netherlands and are a member of the Freelander Club Belgium for some years. I'm also a moderator there. Several times a year we drive roadbooks. We visited Convoy 4 Heroes in 2012, we made a weekend trip to camping site Maka in Belgium and perhaps we will do this every year. Two weeks ago we made a weekend trip and drove a roadbook in Ypres. etc. etc. No costs involved to be a member. Just a fee for the roadbooks we drive. Perhaps if you have a club we can have contact.

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