The inside of both my front tyres is worn.

I have replaced the ARB bushes and wanted to know what else i should check prior to a tracking check & adjust at the garage.

many thanks,
the advent of power syeering has seen a massive increase in front tyre wear !
people ( myself included ) tend to wind from lock to lock without moving either forward or backwards at the same time ... now go to an exterme lock at a standstill and in order to achieve this the tyre side wall flexes to a degree tucking the outer or inner edge of the tyre under itself . then during the first few feet of movement the tyre edge scrubbs slightly sideways...

i'm not saying this IS YOUR problem but be mindfull of what you may be asking your tyres to do ;)
bit of a daft qs really
cos u dont say what make/size
what mods are on the landy
how many miles u done on them
what do you use the landy for
how can we give an opinion with little info to go on

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