last time I was at billing there would have been more than enough landies in the car park on the day to break the record
You will need permission I am sure, and perhaps road closures, some poor barsteward in the back of an ambulance really doesn't want to be dying because a thousand land rovers are blocking up the roads and I am sure matey up the road with his house on fire probably wouldn't appreciate his house burning to the ground because the fire brigade are stuck behind a series one la de da'ing along behind hundreds of other series ones la de da'ing along the road..
You will need permission I am sure, and perhaps road closures, some poor barsteward in the back of an ambulance really doesn't want to be dying because a thousand land rovers are blocking up the roads and I am sure matey up the road with his house on fire probably wouldn't appreciate his house burning to the ground because the fire brigade are stuck behind a series one la de da'ing along behind hundreds of other series ones la de da'ing along the road..

I understood it was actually going to be "off road" .....................;)

Here you go buddy, taken from here . .
Obviously you would need to do your own research, phone the police and council for instance as you know reading the internet wont be enough, route planning will be a headache, starting and finish points will need to be clear of vehicles so as to park everyone, it looks a proper ball ache.

Once you have got the planning right there is one more thing which you must do to comply with the Law. All convoys must be notified to the Police in writing at least six days in advance. The convoy organiser will become legally responsible for the convoy and the ways it is run under the Public Order Act 1986.
If you do not inform the Police, the organiser and every convoy member all commit offences. An extract of the Legislation is set out at the back of this booklet. You must notify the Police Station at the start of the Convoy, giving the start date and time,. route and destination. You must also give at least one of the organisers' names and addresses.

At the billing off road site I would imagine, He has quite a bit of land to play with ya knows.....

I understood it was actually going to be "off road" .....................;)


Ah, that will teach me to read the link first, that sounds like fun, and ticket sales talk, and a money making enterprise, but still fun.
Ah, that will teach me to read the link first, that sounds like fun, and ticket sales talk, and a money making enterprise, but still fun.

I enjoyed the show last year, looking forward to it this Year, and this should make it a more enjoyable experience hopefully.


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