
New Member
My ES is missing the wood panel that fits around the ventilation/air con controls. Assuming the rest of it is of original LR origin, any suggestions as to where I could pick up just this piece? I know the whole kit is £££££. thanks!
Ebay is a goldmine for Freelander parts. I got a few parts myself from Ebay. Side steps, load cover and parts for the new motor.
You carry on looking Mondo. You will never shake the lable "Ebay Search Engine" though ;)
While replacing my prop shaft bearings a few years back I said to the missus - "just smack it square on with this hammer while I hold it" Eyes closed - <smash, bang> "woah woah woah" <bang smash> "woah woah!!" The splined end of my VCU was now somewhat spline free. Called a guy on ebay breaking a freelander. "how much for the viscus coupling mate?" He went away and came back to me "It doesnt have a fan on it mate, sorry". After explaining to him it was a big plack barrel shaped thing on the prop shaft he went away and came back again. "yeah mate - its got one of them". "It will be about &#163;15 to post though - do you still want it?". I asked how much he wanted. "erm, dunno, &#163;30 sound ok to you?" Damn right it did. Put it on - tested ok. The poor ignorant fool. God I love ebay.
Sounds like you could have haggled Tiny. &#163;30 for that, you must be mad, I'll give you &#163;30 including postage. Got yourslef a bargain though, well done that Man :D

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