
New Member
Hi Guys,
My beloved landy is off the road with terminal chassis rot, I was going to rebuild her in the summer, however, I was watching a tv show about the Land Rover owners show and for the first time got a look at the Wolf version of the 90, or at least It looked like a 90.

I now would much rather save the cash, and go for a Wolf ,some time this year, but as I dont know much about this type of landy I need your help so that I can establish what the specs are or should be, engine size ect...

Any help or direction to appropriate web sites or pictures would be very welcome. My email address is .

Look forward to hearing from yoos...
They may look similar on the outside, but they're very different machines under the skin. The chassis, axles etc. are entirely different. You can buy some add-on bits to make a 110 (or 90) look like a Wolf but the anoraks will spot it a mile off ;) . As for buying the real thing: they're rare beasts due to the new system the MOD has for getting it's vehicles. They're all on lease, so they don't make it to the disposal auctions like they did back in the good ol' days.
Have a look here for general chat about military LRs

Thanks to all that took the time to answer my question, I have found out lots from here and else were regarding wolf vehicle and mods
having driven a real Wolf regularly I can only add that although rare on the open market they are an awsome beast. When the MOD finally get rid of theirs I'll certainly be at the head of the queue

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