
Well-Known Member
I've not investigated this yet, but sometimes when I shut the back door the glass misses the slot and goes up on the outside, it also feels very loose, but of I tighten the regulator nuts that seems to push it further out, if I remember..?
I've not investigated this yet, but sometimes when I shut the back door the glass misses the slot and goes up on the outside, it also feels very loose, but of I tighten the regulator nuts that seems to push it further out, if I remember..?

had this a while ago, where also the window would be tighter to one side and also just went into the trim

i adjusted the door catch to tighten the door when closed , so it made sure the glass went on the inside of the trim when the door was closed

also is the side trim ok and not got any Nick etc in it etc causing the window to push out more than it should

also on the glass i found lines at the bottom where it was clamped,

the trim that's on top of the door that is secured by screws at each end had come slightly loose and allowed the rubber to come up

used a rubber mallet to knock it back down,mouth had to remove it and pinch the trim with some pliers covered in a cloth to prevent damage as it has the metal crimp underneath

plus is the hard top all secure and not moved and the top trim hasn't got any crap in it or come loose in any way

I did start with washing all the trims with some fairy liquid and a small tooth brush

hope that makes sense and may help u in some small way
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Mine does this.. unless you close the door by pushing on the glass it catches on the trim then when you go over a bump it goes BANG up into the slot.. I'll try to get around to having a look at the weekend..
i did find by adjusting the rear door catch pulled the door alot tighter onto the seals and also bought the window in a few mm and stopped the fine line of the window going in or out of the top seals

spent quite abit of time and looking at the rear door window carrier that as it wears will allow the window to slope as it is raised

with regards to the seals I've also found by removing them and recrimping them makes them grip better and allow the door to close more

one of my neighbours had this problem where no matter what we done it wouldn't go in and ended up replacing the entire rear window carrier and did solve the problem

is not a nice job though to replace the runners, carrier etc

even seen a few washers being put onto the glass carrier allowing that fine line adjustment via the bolts to change the angle to which the glass is set at , allowing it to stay in the runners and also going into the top seal with the tailgate is closed

hope it helps abit mate


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Hmm could be an option will play when it get bit warmer, tbh I wish someone had made a top hinging replacement would be a lot better
Hmm could be an option will play when it get bit warmer, tbh I wish someone had made a top hinging replacement would be a lot better

what like the Range Rover style u mean where it's in two parts

would be nice

hope u get on ok with the tailgate and know adjusting the window etx was a pain
Yeah that sort of style L200 hard back type, mine is the commercial if that makes a diff..

mines a former commercial and converted it and no difference

would be really nice with a split back door, easier to get in and out of , especially in tight spaces

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