
Active Member
Hello All -
After 12 yrs or so of ownership I figure it's about time I try and sort my wipers...
I've got an 1981 S3 which has a rotary 3 position switch (pic below) - with a push activating the washers.
The PO had done some pretty weird and wonderful things with the electrics, most of which I've sorted through by now, but I've not sorted the wipers.
What I have now is:
Switch in 1st position = off
Switch in 2 position = nothing at all
Switch in 3 position = wipers function
Switch pushed = washer jets.
Additionally the wipers do not 'park' automatically so you have to time it just right turning the switch to bring the blades to a standstill at the right place. I've lived with this but it's a bit of a pia and would like to get it sorted properly.
So before I start digging around in the rats nest behind the dash to see what's what, I thought I'd seek advice first..
My questions are:
What is Position 2 meant to do? Currently It's the same as 1 (ie 'off')
Should the wipers auto 'park' in the S3?
Does the lack of anything happening in Position 1, and the no parking, point to a simple wiring-up error or more to a replacement motor being needed?
Anyone offer any advice?
Ta in advance,
1 off
2 on low speed
3 on high [ ish ] speed
4 Push for wash.
Park switch is on the wiper motor and has a live wire to it at all times ign key switch is on.
Cheers tottot- looks like I’ll be trying to chase wires behind the dash then to see what he connected to what. Do you happen to recall if the connections on the motor are easy to know which terminal is which?

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