
New Member
My wiper motor is making a 'rough' sound when I activate the front wipers on the 1987 90. The wipers don't always work. Would I be right in assuming that it is on its last legs? (the wiper motor).

If so, does anyone have a suitable one they no longer need?
Not likely! Replacement (pattern) items are available for not too much money. A genuine one is fairly pricey if I recall correctly.

You might get away with giving it a good clean and lubrication. Also, the cable might be in need of renewal.
Don't assume that the noise is coming from the wiper motor, you should also check the cable & spindle-boxes before buying replacement parts. You might find that just lubricating the cable and moving the spindles around 180-degrees does the job, then again you might still end up buying a new wiper motor but at least you will have eliminated all other possibilities first.

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