
Active Member
Well I was driving from St Austell to Falmouth on the back roads yesterday in torrential rain when my wiper linkage went kaput. Had left all my tools in the garage after tackling another job earlier in the week, so had to get the AA guy out to take a look. He took the scuttle plastic off and the linkage was completely f00ked The ball & socket joint was worn beyond repair, and the only course of action was to hammer it back together and hope for the best. Set off for home and the thing went again so I just carried on driving home half with the head out the window and sometimes using the wifes scarf to clear the screen. What a joke.

My question is, are the linkages simple enough to swap over? I've bought a genuine linkage to be delivered early next week, but I'm not sure how straightforward it is to just swap the motors over. The motor is fine and will move the linkage. Anything I should look out for when swapping the motor onto the new linkage? Any of those handy workshop tips?

Thanks Guys.:doh:
easy enough job to do straight swop really the worst bit for me anyway was takeing the stupid plastic scrivits out of the windscren cover good look

I bought a pack of those plastic rivets too, as they seemed very flimsy when the AA guy took them off.

Now just got to wait for it to arrive, a car without wipers in the UK isn't really useful.
Yes, it is an easy job, just a few bolts.

In the meantime, you can hold the elbow joint together with a couple of cable ties, whichcwill keep you safely on the road for miles to come.


Yes, it is an easy job, just a few bolts.

In the meantime, you can hold the elbow joint together with a couple of cable ties, whichcwill keep you safely on the road for miles to come.



Hi Blippie. How do I do that, just wrap them around the joint to stop it popping off? Hoping the replacement linkage will be here on Wednesday, but I've got to drive myself to the hospital on Thursday for a scan so need to get there rain or shine. This cable tie trick might just prove vital.
OK, thought i'd add something here as every problem I've ever had with the freelander, I've found the answer here (almost) every time, and in this instance I thought of something to add;

had the same thing happen whilst driving home this evening, passenger wiper stopped and drivers side ok; not too far from home so not as much a problem.

Got out my copy of rave and took the plenum apart to get a good look,

straight away - linkage - not linked (ball joint worn [the ball itself+ linkage cup]) so came in to the warmth and lit the computer up to have a look on here (and at some on the other side Freelander wiper mechanisim change - LR4x4 - The Land Rover Forum )

now my disassembly (3dr 02 Td4) was slightly different to rave and the example shown, there were no scrivets (plastic pop rivets) lining the front of the plenum (which was a two part assembly)
(sorry images are a bit shoddy)

basically followed the rule of thumb, followed rave, took it apart, diagnosed the problem and swore a bit after looking at prices (and the fact something else has gone on the aul b*tch)

anyway...the cable tie idea seems to work fine but I'm a bit wary as the linkage arms may wear the cable ties away pretty quickly, and I wanted a bit of a more sturdy ('temp') fix untill i get another linkage assembly.


I drilled a 5 mm hole through the retaining cup (on the link arm) and a 4.5 mm hole through the ball (ensuring alignment). Then tapped an M5x0.8 thread into the ball and mounted a bolt&washer to act as a crude pin set-up:

so although not a roadside fix, it might work for those of you out there who know you just cant do without wipers - especially whilst waiting for more parts !

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