
Hi fellas,

I finished my Truck Cab to Soft Top conversion in March this year and I'm starting to get the heebie jeebies about freezing my bits off as winter approaches.

The soft top is a pretty decent fit, but certainly not air tight or even completely water tight...as a recent trip to an American car wash proved.

I live in Kent; it's not exactly the Artic, but we get our fair share of freezing weather and snow!!

Having done some searches, I've seen the odd reference to Eberspacher heaters.

I've taken a look at their website, which is less than useful.

I'm keen to hear if anyone's used one and are they any good; and which model / type would be best suited to a '90 Soft Top as there seems to be loads of different models on their website....

Also do you need a specialist to fit it; and roughly how much do they cost??

Loads of questions, but any thoughts, greatly appreciated.
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Hi I've got a webasto air top 2000 fitted, was about £700 if I remember correctly, it's absolutely amazing warms the 90 up in under 5 minutes. I was recommended the webasto over the Eberspacher as there supposedly more reliable. Took about half a day to fit nothing to difficult, fitted mine behind the passenger seat then ducted out into the rear. If I get a chance I'll take some pics over the weekend :)
Fitted a webasto diesel fueled heater to a camper, hardest part was dropping the fuel tank to get the feed tube in. Otherwise pretty straight forward
As James says. Fume curtain.

Except it doesn't have to be olive canvas. I used a transparent shower curtain with tropical fish printed on it. I trapped it between the tilt and front hoop, and again trapped behind the seat backs.

Even in an SIII that was warm enough after a few miles. Always a talking point when parked too!
Fume curtain plus correctly working heater, no worries.

I have had my current soft-top 90 for 15-years and it is my daily driver in the winter, never had a cold trip yet even when it is -10 degrees (or lower) outside.
I bought a heated seat cover thing from aldi for about a tenner, got me through last winter. Best thing iv bought for me defender:)
Heated seats brilliant proper pads are easy enough to fit as defender seats come apart real easy, Waeco (spelling) is the make Iirc, the carbon pads type are better than the wired type
All the trucks I see at work have the Eberspacher model fitted
Ive had both makes fitted to my cars over the years, excellent bits of kit BUT they have all broken down at some point, hardly the most reliable things and some of the parts prices are just plain taking the ****!
Eberspacher and webasto bot make diesel powered fuel pre heaters and. Wonder if they could be adapted into a cab heater?
Thanks Chaps,

Had not heard of the Webasto, so will look into that as well.

Will also get myself a fume curtain....

I also need to stop the drafts; especially the gale force wind coming in though the front flaps :(

i'd be tempted to stick the tuck cab on over winter and swap to the soft in summer.
Thanks Chaps,

Had not heard of the Webasto, so will look into that as well.

Will also get myself a fume curtain....

I also need to stop the drafts; especially the gale force wind coming in though the front flaps :(


Self adhesive neoprene strip is way better than the std flap seal.
Theres a guy on the S2 forum who does aftermarket copy diesel heaters in the traders section, you may have to sign up to look.

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