
Guns n Chainsaws
Full Member
I tried to fold in my 300tdi wing mirrors yesterday (first time in ages).
All I have managed to do is make them floppy.
I tried a good soaking today with penetrating fluid and they now move, but they are as floopy as when the 'click' into place.

Can I open the body up and repair/re-grease or is it buy new ones time ?
I tried to fold in my 300tdi wing mirrors yesterday (first time in ages).
All I have managed to do is make them floppy.
I tried a good soaking today with penetrating fluid and they now move, but they are as floopy as when the 'click' into place.

Can I open the body up and repair/re-grease or is it buy new ones time ?
Take top off(little black flap) and should be able to split apart. Spring loaded,never stripped 1 down
chances are they fubarred, that little nut will be crusty as fooook, have a look at the unbreakable ones i fitted a while ago very happy with them .
made by uni tuck but you can get cheaper fro LR centre

I was being to gentle with the lower cap.
Knocked it off and then used a drift to get thje top cap out....

I guess mine are aftermarket/rubbish as there isn't any adjustment.
I've odrered a pair of "originals" (said the seller).

Pics and info to follow.
I did manage to grease up the old ones and they sort-of worked, but bought some new ones anyway as the old ones are going furry for the 3rd time.





Simple enough to replace, just need to get the door card back on.
The other side needs a clean up on the door, which I will get around to at some point or another...

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