

Can anyone tell me whether all series 2 & 3 windscreens are the same height?

The one on my 2A seems to be about an inch and a half too high, it's never been a problem as it's been fitted with a ragtop but as that rotted away years ago and I have a hardtop in the garden I need to do something about the windscreen before it will fit.

The current windscreen is sitting on it's rubber strip on the bulkhead and at the correct angle - it's obviously not original as the hinges have been altered, could it be off a lightweight or have I got to start taking measurements elsewhere to find the real problem?

Pictures please.
It could be that someone has fitted a defender screen to it as they are about 1.5 inches higher.
If its a series screen it will be a split screen if its a defender it will be one piece of glass.
On rag tops there is a a strip along the top that the soft top hooks onto, it is bolted along the top of the screen and need removing to fit a tin lid (which bolts through the same holes.)
Hi. thanks for everyone's suggestions so far.

First a confession:- I got my measurement wrong - I meant 1.5 cm NOT 1.5 inches - sorry :eek:

Iv'e been away for a few days but I have taken some pictures now and attempted to add them to this post.

As you will (hopefully) see it is currently fitted with a very ratty truck cab and you should see the gaps around the door top. I realise that an old Landrover is going to have gaps and if these gaps were fairly even I don't think there would be a problem.

gap between front of doortop and roof = 22 mm
gap between back of doortop and roof = 7 mm

A similar odd gap is on the rear edge

This situation was the same when I had the metal frames for the rag top on it.
The discrepency didn't matter with either of these tops but I think it will matter with a full hardtop. I suppose the best way to find out is offer it up and see, weather permitting I will get round to doing this soon, priority is MOT work tho.

thanks again

ws hinge.jpg

w s hinge.jpg

side gap 2.jpg
Difficult to see from the picture, but the hinge looks odd.
Any chance of photos showing the screen itself, not just the gap?

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