Any body had there wind screen replaced ? I have a chip in mine near the edge, checking autoglass’s web site, they say any thing within 6 cm from edge needs new wind screen, mine’s about 3cm from edge, so looks like it will need replacing, looks like a big job on the disco, I will only need pay the excess @ £60 so that’s not so bad, just wondering if any ones had it done ? Any added problems ? Mine’s a heated screen, but don’t think that will be any trouble as long as its replaced with a heated one….thanks for any help or advise....steve (04 es premium V8 )
no probs - i had mine replaced under insurance (got a tinted one anorl). Told em it was leaking and they put thru a new seal on insurance at the same time :D:D:D.
had mine done about 6 months ago no problems minds its not heated and it cost me £125
no probs - i had mine replaced under insurance (got a tinted one anorl). Told em it was leaking and they put thru a new seal on insurance at the same time :D:D:D.
Hi, Mad hat Man.
I always thought of doing that> So the black mastics gone then. How is the old Disco?
I've gone to the Darkside and brought a Pajero! Very pleased with it so passed.
Just need to go greenalning soon. You got any trips planned?
Sorry to hijack this thread.
Take care
mite have another trip up my sleeve for November. Unfortunately yu cant get many landies up my sleeve.:D:D
I have just had the screen replaced on my TD5 which was tinted and chipped. I did not bother with insurance and got it done for £, which I thought was cheap.
Hi, Had mine replaced on my Td5 Disco last month by Autoglass no problems put all surrounds back with new plastic rivets cost £25 for heated screen thru insurance.
Any body had there wind screen replaced ? I have a chip in mine near the edge, checking autoglass’s web site, they say any thing within 6 cm from edge needs new wind screen, mine’s about 3cm from edge, so looks like it will need replacing, looks like a big job on the disco, I will only need pay the excess @ £60 so that’s not so bad, just wondering if any ones had it done ? Any added problems ? Mine’s a heated screen, but don’t think that will be any trouble as long as its replaced with a heated one….thanks for any help or advise....steve (04 es premium V8 )
I have a 96 3.9 EFI Disco with a heated windscreen. Leaking and had a crack. Phoned the insurance Co. and it was fixed 48 hours later with a new windscreen by Autowindscreens. Paid Excess £75.- No further problems with it.
I am always concerned that when you claim for a windscreen through the insurance, although it is really peanuts to them, your insurance seems to go up by cocnuts, and over the years, it is cheaper to pay yourself, after all when you say insurance, the cost of a replacement windscreen is about £400 to £500.
I have a 98 disco 1 2.5 TDI can i fit a heated screen? it certainly doent have one but as it cracked i thought I'd get a heated replacement if possible
Need to get ours done as its going milky around the edges plus the seal sits below the the gap thats its surposed to sit in lol
yep any things possible, but the wiring would be the hardest bit rather than getting one fitted.The autoglass chap will do that buit but youd have to do the switches n wiring first
yep any things possible, but the wiring would be the hardest bit rather than getting one fitted.The autoglass chap will do that buit but youd have to do the switches n wiring first

Excellent anywhere i can get a diagramme ? and I'll pre fit it
I have a 98 disco 1 2.5 TDI can i fit a heated screen? it certainly doent have one but as it cracked i thought I'd get a heated replacement if possible

Yes you can, and the wiring should already be in place at that age, in the engine bay at the bottom of the screen.

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