Can some one please help me my rear windows on my series 11 station wagon have a garden growing from them. Im going to clean them out but the rails they run in when opening and shuting are no longer there any one know where i can get some many thanks. ps.for some reson im down as a junior? i must have filled some thing in wrong after 38 years still not very good on comp.:rolleyes:
yu can get both metal and plastic runners (if thats wot yu need) Paddocks sell the metal ones and cut em to length fur ya.

yu become senior ofter 100 posts :D
Can some one please help me my rear windows on my series 11 station wagon have a garden growing from them. Im going to clean them out but the rails they run in when opening and shuting are no longer there any one know where i can get some many thanks.

Mine are the same. And you wouldn't believe the state of the roof either.
IIRC the Series III Owners Club originally designed the plastic window channel. Dunno if you can get it from anyone else tho'

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