
Active Member
Hi iv got a 90 that was used as a off-road Toy with all the bits you would I have it I didn't get a winch with it..I don't plan on using it as a major off road toy just abit if fun time to time...can i get away with just a cheap one off eBay?? I might not even need it but you never know..thanks
Don't have one myself but I seem to remember reading somewhere that you should have a winch 3 times the weight capacity of the vehicle it's mounted to.

Depends how deep your pockets are
Superwinch tigershark, cheap and I can vouch for it efficacy had mine 3 years now and it's member let me down, goes months with no use then gets heavy abuse for a few days and just keeps on going. Strong enough to pull my fat disco out of the sticky stuff.
I did see that one in leam but I seen some on eBay for £150-£200 like the ones in the last post...but thanks for the input

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