
Hi all, currently I've got an 8274 (standard) and D44 bumper on the front of my 90. It came with it attached and I've had one before but never really been that fond of them, fast with no load but lacking power under load, plus I'm just a casual green laner so it's a bit overkill. I've also got a really deep intercooler that I want to fit and the 8274 takes up too much room. My friend has been nagging me for it since I got it so I'm willing to sell it to him. What sort of price should I be looking at for the winch and bumper. Both work fine but could do with a rub down and a lick of paint.
I'd like to replace with a reliable alternative, 9.5 TDS is what I'm thinking which he happens to have lying around. Is the bowmotor 2 and air freespool a worthwhile upgrade? I've got a spare spot on my compressor already. I've also been looking at the Redwinch explorer, it's a bit more pricey but has the airbrake and freespool already installed. Both seem pretty similar in line speed but the redwinch does look impressive!

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