
New Member
Itve bought a winch for my 109 .... I've had to commision mounting plate for it. I'll be fitting it tommorow eve ... anyone want photo's?
Yep. I'd like to know how it goes & how it looks..........& what the final cost came out at, if it anit'ent too cheeky!
O.K. M8, will do. I've done the job tonight but its only first fit. Having drilled all the holes and mounted it, I now need to take it off and paint it, so I'll do the photo's on the re-fit.

Cost .... £20.00 !
Twenny notes! Good one, for the plate I presume?

What winch did you buy in the end?

Good job you've got a boat to winch otherwise you'd prob' go out with the express intention of getting yourself stuck, just so's you can have a go with it.............I Know I would!
So it begins ..... the winch doesn't work.

The dealer has been good, they tokk one out of the box and wired it up, phoned me back and told me what the continuities are so I can test mine. The solonoids are working, but the winch doesn't turn. I'm away for the weekend so it will have to wait untill Monday so i can test the circuit.

Proper peed off.

The winch is a t-max ew-6500, the dealers are being helpful (insideout 4X4) and Bearmach (the importers) are concerned as to the outcome of the testing. It doesn't look like I'll have any problems should it come to returning it for a replacement. That service has already been offered, but they need my one back before they will replace, thats why I'm up for cicuit testing the thing.

Have a good weekend, I'll report my findings as and when.
Well, I agreed with the sellers that the winch would be collected from my business on Tuesday last. I wasn't supposed to go to work (day off) but I went there anyway to drop it off. It finally got collected on Friday.I don't think the messing about and delayed collection was the fault of InsideOut4X4 or Bearmach. i have had good contact from Insideout4X4 all the way through, but I phoned the hauliers on thursday and they told me that there man had been to collect it at around 10am .... the office was (by my instruction) attended all day, there was even someone there during lunch (the office normally closes for lunch).

So it must be the hauliers telling porkies. When I called them on Thursday, they told me that they would be collecting the package on friday between 8-8.30 so I made sure I got into work early. They turned up at 10.40

I am now waiting to see how l;ong it will be before I get either the repaired winch back or a new winch. I'm not holding my breath.
Oh dear, it ain't going well. Must be on account of you being such an obnoxious t**t!

Keep us posted, but if/when I get mine I'm taking a battery with me to try it out in the shop.
I wouldn't worry too much about that m8 .... they said its the first time they've had one thats broke straight from the box. Probably God's way of rewarding me for being obnoxious!
The new one arrived yesterday, its on ... and it works!! I've also fitted my e-bay bargain roof rack .... full length one with a ladder .... £45.00

I'll be trying out the winch this weekend and I'll take a picture of the mounting position and stuff. Couldn't do it tonight 'cos it were dark!

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