
New Member
I am trying to identify the problem with an uneven idle in my 1999 L series Freelander. As I've not got access to the appropriate LR test equipment (or similar) I am stuck with testing each possibly faulty sensor by hand. I have just tested the Throttle Position Sensor with an ohmmeter and I am suspicious of it as one of the two resistance tracks goes open circuit after about an inch of pedal down-movement. The other track increases resistance as expected (?) with pedal movement.

Please could someone measure their TPS resistance change under movement for me to confirm whether this is normal or not?

Many thanks!

Well, reluctant as I am to go and fiddle with my engine management system, I decided to consult RAVE. This was not exactly conclusive and according to the internal resistor network diagram of the TPS, which I should add doesn't indicate any variable resistors, it suggests that the end to end resistance occurs between pins 2 and 3. As 2 is connected to ground and 3 to 12 volts I assume this isn't a wiper. The values given were 1E3 OHMS, which I assume means 1000 ohms, for each resistor. Therefore, the total resistance between 2 and 3 should be 3000 ohms.... I think, its not clear at all.

Our course, if anyone has a real TPS to hand and can prove this one way or the other then that would be great. :D

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