
New Member
Hi all - my first post :) I bought an 02MY FL1 TD4 ES recently and am delighted with it! It has had a new VCU quite recently (mileage is 123K) so all seems OK but I have read lots of horror stories here and elsewhere about the IRD getting b+llucksed by fitting different radius tyres on front and rear.

I get it that the vcu thinks the back wheels need to be engaged if the front wheels appear to be going faster. What I don't get is why there seems to be a good chance that the IRD will get foobarred if the rear wheels are engaged via the VCU. Surely thats similar to the 'proper' situations when the vcu kicks in yet no-one seems to suggest that engaging 4FWD mode will b+gger the IRD in, for example, a muddy field. Sorry if I'm being thick!

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