
New Member
I recently bought my first "old" car in 16 years and it happened to be a 16 year old Disco 1 300 Tdi.
When I got it I wasn't too happy with the smell and set about cleaning it. A simple task you'd think, but no! Every internal panel, carpet, door card and seal has been removed. Washed in soapy water, cleaned with kitchen cleaner before a liberal dosage of Autoglym interior cleaner( not the carpets). 16 years of cobwebs, dead spiders, dirt, sweets, food, dust and generally unidentifiable gunk has been removed.
The result a lovely smelling clean Disco, however it hasn't been without problems. I have now found out where most of the rust is, luckily mostly superficial and now needs treating. The leaking windscreen isn't actually leaking it is the driver's side alpine which has a leak and causes water to run the full length of the Disco along a nice shiny painted channel!!!!! My sagging headlining sags no more, after lots of cleaning it is now a nice charcoal grey colour thanks to B&Q paint anywhere.
This is the reason I have always had new cars, but also the reason I haven't had so much fun. I have loved every minute of it, doing manly things to a car.
Even my normally mild mannered wife has commented on my new obsession.
Not content with this my next task is new disks, pads and callipers all round. I can't wait:D and maybe my wife has a point.
yeah way to fussy that! carpets out, drain plugs out, stable gun the roof lining up then go get muddy then just wash inside and outside with a jet wash! simples!

Plus leave the drain plugs out then any water getting in through the sunroof, bulk head, door seals etc etc just goes straight out through the floor! :lol:
What's B&Q paint anywhere ?
Pic any colour you want and they'll make it for you.

When your finished with yours and still have the urge to clean discos mine stinks or dog, dead animals, oil, grease dirt, baby sick, damp headlining so that will keep you busy for a bit longer.

Good to hear your having fun with your new old toy I will be doing the same with mine once i moved house as it is beginning to get a bit riffy.

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