
Well-Known Member
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It seems many "new" members are either a bit too eager to get their current issue off their chest and fire it off into the first Sub-Group they spot on the forum, or they just can't read or just don't care because the grown-ups will sort it all out for them....eventually. ;)

Would it be a good idea to have a "How-To" guide?
Like a pop-up or similar, Saying something like "Hey there....before posting, have you given the full details about your vehicle in order for others to help you? Are you posting this in the right sub-section of the forum(s)?
If you are a new member, have you done everyone the courtesy of introducing yourself in "Introduction Section first" - Remember DO NOT post your problem in this section.
The Intro section is pretty prominent, many just want the issue sorted and can't be arsed to post an intro..

Not saying 100% are like that but a vast majority are..

Don't think many would even bat an eyelid at a HOW TO IMO...

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