
New Member
Ive got a 1 year old Kangoo, a 1 year old Master, a two year old Scenic, a three year old Jaguar and a five year old LDV. I bought a 24 year old series 3 last Thursday and I can't stop driving it.

Any one know why the Landy is so much fun to drive?

The only thing I can liken it to is I had (until last week) an Aprilia RSV-R Edwards. Its had the finest whells, suspension, brakes and \V-twin engine money can buy, all held together by one of the finest framesever produced. A great bike, but it was boring. I also own a Yamaha V-max. great engine, frame made of liquorice. When I ride the V-max, I have to be there for it. Its no use trusting the suspension - it's like a pogo stick. Nop good trusting the frame - it has a hinge in the middle. I really have to be there or that bike. I have to whach my speed, line and how I brake. Its a very involving ride. The Aprilia would take any corner at any speed, it was more bike than I am rider.

Thats pretty much how I see the Landy, I have to be there for it. It needs to be driven and without me being there and concentrating, it will go where it shouldn't.

Your thoughts?
hth can you liken an old 4x4 vehicle to a v twin go faster bike? short of they both have engines!
baffled slob
The comparison wasn't between the Landy and the Aprilia, it was likened to the diffences between the Aprilia and the V-max. the Aprilia has all the mod cons and the best of every component, but it is boring to ride. It is more bike than I am rider. The V-max is a 25 year old design and because of that it is a very involving ride .... if you like, I have to be there for it whereas the Aprilia makes me feel unneccesary!

Modern vehicles have all the suspension, brakes and handling but they are boring to drive. The Landy needs me to drive it and to pre-judge a situation, whether that be cornering, braking or anything else. The Landy is a very involving drive and I find that fun, a hell of a lot more fun than driving the Jag!

Sorry if I confused you with the wording of the initial post, there should be a breathaliser fitted to keyboards to stop me posting when under the influence!
you could liken it to sitting in yer big armchair, drinking lager and watching football on telly.. all nice and comfy but no fun. whereas sitting in a roller coaster, throwing up and watching yer loose change disappear is very uncomfy bit a ship load of fun
2nd (large) voddy so I'm probably on Sheddy's wavelength too. :D

My III's pretty new to me & I'm finding any excuse under the sun to drive her & I just can't see the urge wearing off. The shiny car, just sits there on the drive (OK, it's odd in itself - A late model, "proper" Mini - mini 40 - immaculate - anyone want to buy it by the way?)

I was the same with my bikes too. My crotch rockets bored me senseless, but nursing my old '73 shovel chop around a sharp Devon A road or my ageing Guzzi was just what it was all about................Is this a thing with Series owners, a biking past/present?

For me it's the whole experience. Resting my elbow on the cubby between foot long gear changes (with a little rest in neutral to avoid that nasting graunching noise), watching scenery unfold, rather than rush by, the look of the barely illuminated "military" dials at night, big switches that you could operate even if wearing an oven glove, even the smell of it (no, not the one when I have to brake suddenly :eek: - that proper old smell, of "motor cars").

Yeah, I'm hooked too! Why is it fun? It just IS! :D
Why is it fun ?

1 Because the good old landy has a mind of its own. :(

2 Because you feel safe in it. ;)

3 Because it don't answer back like the wife. :eek:

4 Because YOU have to drive it. ( IT DONT DRIVE ITS SELF LIKE MODERN CARS ) :rolleyes:

5 Because you know it will go almost anywhere. EVEN Through a big flood. :D

6 Because its not just a 4x4 its also a TANK.:)

7 Because people get out of the way if you push in.:p

8 Because FREEDOM Do I need to say more.:D

9 Because you get respect. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


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