
New Member
hi, so coupled with the problem described in this thread here I now have had a look underneath and a think about my range rover.

and i noticed

1 - an oil leak out the back of the front diff where it meets the prop uj

2 - its losing brake fluid. very slowly, but looks like its coming from the master cylinder.

3 - using too much petrol imo, duno if its just running a bit rich or something. but for example on a recent highway run, i used 50 litres of petrol over 233 km, which works out as 13mpg roughly. pretty shoddy if you ask me.

4 - losing coolant (VERY SLOWLY!) but lost maybe an inch (if that) in the expansion tank over the last 2 months or so. doesnt run at the correct temp either, ive never seen the guage move beyond 1/3 .

5 - kickdown doesnt always work on the autobox. sometimes it does, somestimes i floor it and it just stays in the same gear.

6 - cuts out sometimes, esp. after a run on dirt tracks/ bumpy roads, il come to a halt and the engine will die. always restarts again.

its just ****ing annoying, im trying to save to go on a trip up the west coast, and inland bout 10 000 km or so, an obv i need to fix all these issues before i go. but the date (mid oct) is coming closer and closer and essentially ive got a month to fix these problems and save enuf money. frankly i cant see it happenin, despite the fact i have a reasonably paid job. its just too much.

shoulda come home back in march rather than buy the damn thing and im just wastin money on it. i wouldnt mind if it was a car i was gona keep (like my 110 back home) but its only ever a temporary car that i wld own for 2 years MAX, so i hate spendin money on it. :(:(:mad:
its alright, im a bit less depressed about the whole situation that i was yesterday. obv its gona cost me to get these issues fixed, but il do it then have a wicked roadtrip around oz, **** yeh! :D
Temp gauge not rising I would put money on the thermostat being stuck open - replace it and it should let the water get up to temperature.

Sounds like it needs a good service to me - new oil, filters, plugs and leads might be in order to decrease fuel consumption and make it run smoother.

shoulda come home back in march rather than buy the damn thing and im just wastin money on it. i wouldnt mind if it was a car i was gona keep (like my 110 back home) but its only ever a temporary car that i wld own for 2 years MAX, so i hate spendin money on it. :(:(:mad:
I dint read the wole post,but have you thought about the possibility of shipping over the 110 ?
its alright, im a bit less depressed about the whole situation that i was yesterday. obv its gona cost me to get these issues fixed, but il do it then have a wicked roadtrip around oz, **** yeh! :D
i picture a limey lost in the outback in the middle of the hottest summer ever with a shagged p38 wotzit.
nah shes a classic mate! no p38a.

yeh looked into shipping the 110 over but its a no go as im on a temporary workin holiday visa so cant import a car.

it has recently had new coil, plugs and leads (and dizzy cap before i got it) as well as an oil service and air filter, so i fear the problem might be more involved than that. I have checked the resistance of the air flow meter as suggested on here in other threads and it was 230ohms (i think?) which is about right i think. Im now thinking maybe new injectors or something?

its done 195 000 km.
actaully id imagine replacing the thermostat will certainly help the fuel conxumption, if its running to temperature itl be running more effeciently wont it?
actaully id imagine replacing the thermostat will certainly help the fuel conxumption, if its running to temperature itl be running more effeciently wont it?

Yeah most definitely, didn't think of it like that actually. But yeah, engines actually get more and more efficient the hotter they get - that is until they reach melt down point! :eek::D:D

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