
I am on my 4th and last Land Rover in my life. The people who design & build these later models need condemning for their lack of understanding, for not realizing that at some point they need repairs. I have had an a/c compressor replaced at great cost [with more to come], which due to its impossible location resulted in a bad job being done [cost so far $2300 Darwin Australia] failed after 900k on a 4000k trip home. A local a/c mechanic found that an attached pipe had fractured! new one $350, a week delay as only available in Sydney or from the UK.
Also suggested I go to a L R dealer to see how they replace it/do the job, as he is of the opinion it is possible but not keen to have to do what should be a straight-out normal job.
So, after all this has anybody had the same thing happen and is there some secret way that this normal replacement of an a/c is done?
One with A/C so obviously a luxury model!
At least with it not working he could still drive it.
The one on mine, a D2, has a permanent leak. I top it up, eventually it leaks out but it gets me through the summer months more or less OK..
Temps in the 40s in France while we were there.
OK it isn't Alice Springs.:rolleyes:
I changed the AC compressor in my 2008 full size RR myself. An awkward job but patience won out. The AC compressor in my P38 is on top of the motor. Couldn't be easier to get to. Some cars are just harder to work on than others.
I changed the AC compressor in my 2008 full size RR myself. An awkward job but patience won out. The AC compressor in my P38 is on top of the motor. Couldn't be easier to get to. Some cars are just harder to work on than others.
Sometimes they make a mistake and make something easy. The next generation model is always harder
I've got a l322 and a disco td5. If you want to remove the rad cowling from the l322 the only way to do it nicely would be to remove a Aircon hose first, so you would have to re gas it even if you're not working in the Aircon.
I'm tempted to scrap it to be honest as it's such a pain in the ass to work on and live with.
I wonder what a D2 would be like with a aj-v8 and RR seats?
I am on my 4th and last Land Rover in my life. The people who design & build these later models need condemning for their lack of understanding, for not realizing that at some point they need repairs. I have had an a/c compressor replaced at great cost [with more to come], which due to its impossible location resulted in a bad job being done [cost so far $2300 Darwin Australia] failed after 900k on a 4000k trip home. A local a/c mechanic found that an attached pipe had fractured! new one $350, a week delay as only available in Sydney or from the UK.
Also suggested I go to a L R dealer to see how they replace it/do the job, as he is of the opinion it is possible but not keen to have to do what should be a straight-out normal job.
So, after all this has anybody had the same thing happen and is there some secret way that this normal replacement of an a/c is done?
Should have got a Series.

The aircon is flaps under the windscreen, you rarely get a problem with those! :)
I had the a/c pipe replaced as it was broken, not the O rings, brackets were not tightened up. Ok cost $989
2 weeks later, no a/c, have just returned from finding the brilliant piece of news that, they don't know why?
Has anybody had this happen to them, local LR dealer hasn't seen it before [35 yrs in business] please post me
if you have any theories on this. pipe broke near where is connects to the compressor under the a/c pipe muffler.
I am on a roll, in all this drama car sounds like I have a sport muffler on, comes and goes, LR dealer informs me
it is the crossover pipe leaking [ removal of body to fix] $ 3000 aprox. Love my Disco4

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