
New Member
Well when i put my foot on the clutch and select reverse sometimes i ahave an awful noise coming from downstairs but when i go back into neutral and press foot on clutch again it goes what could it be?

also if this helps i have the worlds worst oil leal coming from gearbox area! might it be connected with the noise?

sounds like yu mite have had low/no oil and its buggered ya reverse gear bearings/layshaft.
1) Fix the leak.
2) Fix the damage.
3) refill wiv oil.

oh - and good luck :D
Sounds like your changing too fast.
When your in neutral with the clutch pedal up the GB input shaft is turning.
When you press the clutch pedal in the IP shaft will continue to turn slowing down over time with friction.
Now when you ram it in to reverse that will stop the shaft and make a crunch.
You need to experiment because it could also be a failing GB or clutch.
GB = gearbox.

Assuming the clutch works properly, you can (and should) use the synchromesh to STOP the innards of the GB from turning before you smack it into reverse or a non-synchromesh first gear.


Engine running ... plan your reverse route ... slap clutch pedal to the floor ... engage THIRD GEAR (4th will be as good) ... and then as quick as quick snick the lever into reverse.
Don't use force at any stage, but don't waste time going from 3rd or 4th to reverse.

Should engage silently.

If not, clutch MUST be dragging.

is the noise just on selection or all the time reverse engaged, i checked for noisy gears with transer box in neutral (easier to listen to than when driving), in reverse got a rumbling whurring noise too, not sure if worn bearings, shafts, gears?

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