
This weekend will be the first time since April i'll be able to go out in my disco, not sure where i'll go yet but if anyone wants to show me some routes or just come on the few i know PM or sort out a group to go at a later date ?
Does anyone know where to find up to date closure of green lanes? I had an encounter with a very rude resident next to one . The green lane was open one end but closed by his house. The council website says it's still open. Needless to say he wound me up after I apologised countless times but he couldn't leave alone. Any help would be appreciated
That's the website I used to check but shows the lane as open, there's an open gate one end but a bollard and notice at the end which I encountered the gentleman
That's the website I used to check but shows the lane as open, there's an open gate one end but a bollard and notice at the end which I encountered the gentleman
Report it as obstructed to the HCC ROW officer. also go on to https://www.facebook.com/groups/152332831775431/ and let Jeremy (Glass offficer) know. Best if you can supply accurate position of blockage with pics,

Is the bollard removable, and who is the notice from...... again - pics plse.
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News is just coming in of a worrying incident near Hawkley in Hampshire yesterday evening, current details are as follows:

A recreational 4x4 user was shot at by a farmer whilst (quite rightly) turning around in the farmyard after discovering the BOAT he intended to drive had a seasonal TRO on it.
Recently there has been an alarming increase in rural crime across the region, so this all very much sounds like a legitimate person being mistaken by the farmer for a thief.
Tensions could well be running high if the farmer in question has already had ‘unwelcome visitors’ yet it still doesn’t excuse his rather extreme actions.
We would all like to hope that this incident was a 'one off', some of you choose to greenlane at night, so you might wish to bear this incident in mind.
As we over here have NO Byways that are open between October and May, Hampshire / Dorset is the closest place to explore.

At some point in the not to distant future, I wouldn't mind meeting up to explore some of the lanes.
Mrs has now decided to let you me use her Freelander for a bit of greenlaning, Never been out in a Freelander before, so would be infestered to see how it does.
quite a few round here, but they need inspecting. a fair distance for you.

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