
Active Member

We had a great day's green laning in and around Thetford Forest today (2 green Discos and Range Rover Bobtail).

We saw lots of other motors out but only got a glance of some guys from Northants on Track 23.

We'd like to check out some different routes next time - maybe go further afield into Norfolk, Beds, Cambs and Northants.

Please feel free to PM me if yu're planning or want to plan a trip into these areas next month....


I was there!! great day (until I got home to find we had a leak and the ceiling was on the floor. oops ) But never mind. A good day was had, beautiful weather and good company. Thanks for doing all the navigating. Was great just having to follow your tail lights and not have to think. Actually that should be tail light. N/s/r light is out!!!. Chloe has some pics that I shall post if she ever sends them to me. Look forward to meeting up again at some point. Thanks to all that where there.
Hi Dave,

Yes a great day out. Sorry to hear about the ceiling. And yes I will check out the NSR brake light.....

Let us know how ur fixed for late Jan / early Feb and see if we can get out again....



PS Please tell Chloe we'd love to see the pics.....
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Second that, good day, good tracks and good company. Would definitely be up for meeting again but got a bit of work to do first, all 5 drive shaft bolts have sheared on driver side rear!!! Temporally being held in by lock wire, bit of sponge and steady driving!!!!


Ouch! Try and keep it one piece for next time. I guy from the forum has been in touch from Herts and has driven Herts, Beds & Essex lanes and is keen to have a look at the Brecks - so will probably organise another Thetford run for late January early February and then head down Essex way in March?

Maybe Kev from Kenninghall can make it next time?



Is the route starting at California Farm in Icklingham through Lord Ivor's land still open? Used to start there, rumble around the tracks in the woods for a few hours and come back through Kings Forrest coming out next to the Anglo Saxon village at West Stow. Used to be a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon especially in hacking rain or snow.
Hi Blackstrat,

I'm not sure of the name of farm at Icklingham - but there is a track that starts there (its easy to get the farm entrance instead of the lane) - it's part of the Icknield Way.

We often start there and come back via the lane out of Kings Forest and out past the village at West Stow. Most lanes bar a few are open all the time - there are only a few TRO's in the Thetford / Kings Forest area.

You can get this information from Trailwise - if you're a member of a club affiliated to GLASS then you can probably get access through that (I get mine through GLASS membership). Non members can use it but search function is limited to 10kms....

Next month we're heading out again north of Thetford - can give you a shout if interested....
Next month we're heading out again north of Thetford - can give you a shout if interested....

I'm without an off-roader atm Darren and I've got to buy a house (yawn) and upgrade the daily driver (woop!) first but I should be able to cobble an old D1 or something together during the summer so I can join in the fun. :)

Speaking of Thetford there used to be some nice terrain out Euston way too I seem to remember, and Roudham Junction.. where Humpty lives! ;)

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