
New Member
Ive never been green laning and i was wondering do i have to be a member of glass to legally go green laning?

also im a member of a off road club but i would like to go green laning in my own spare time and not on a organized day out.
Hi you have to be a member of any organisation to go green laning. The only things you need to find out is where you want to go has motor vehicle rights, isn't on a military no go zone, isn't a nature reserve without rights, and you don't need a permit. Otherwise go have fun

so aslong as i stay a member to the offroad club i can go green laning in my spare time with friends who are also members
You don't even need to do that I frequently go green laning when in north yorks, suffolk and norfolk and I'm not even a member of the AA

i tend to go to the muddy bits and not green lanes .and i don't drink so i'm not a member of AA either
Did I miss something here? (Charlotte?) I'm sure I got a really stroppy post via email about this, then I have a shufty on site & it's gone! Vince chap, is this a **** take? I'm (as usual) confused guy & gal's!

You can't own an (as I said) Waaaaay purposeful looking vehicle like that, have it photographed where it's shown & then claim you know nothing of greenlaning...........can you? If so (& no malice aforethought), I'd recommend reading the GLASS website in detail for some really good guidance (whether you join them & pay your hard earned or not). Those guys really do know where it's at.

The last thing we want to do as "proper" 4X4 drivers is add fuel to the tree hugging/red sock wearing brigade's argument & manifesto.........Given the Lib Dems can have a **** head for a leader just how long can it be before Rambler Rog' is PM?

Correct me (in the sternest terms) if I've missed something here all?
Ahhh, just found Charlotte's post. Wrong thread, right sentiment! Eeeeeasy tiger!

I agree, there ain'ent no need to shell out your hard earned joining anyone or anything, but it is a real threat. Get it right & you offend nobody (of note), get it wrong, think you're right & argue the point & you just shoot yourself/ourselves in the bowlocks/snatch.

Greenlaning IS a bloody minefield, especially just now. It's unfeasibly easy to upset someone (of note) & whilst I relish a good row I also appreciate the need at times to be the voice of reason.

Like some sad assed Guardian reader, I've actually been moved in the current climate to write to Land Rover Owner International about their February issue. On page 148 the have an article headed "Greenlane of the month" in which they repeatedly use the phrase "off road" which it bloody isn't. It is a road, it just happens to be devoid of tarmac!

It is a minefield out there (so to speak, not literally, we sent all of them to Africa et al!) & it is worth getting all the guidance you can before buggering off up some likely looking track & meeting some farmer/homeowner or some red sock wearing "now, I don't think you wanted to do that, did you?" ass wipe who has a (God forbid) valid point in justifying their pityful existence on this fabulous & immensly driveable planet.

Got to GLASSes website, phone your local authority & then (especially given your locality) drive to your hearts content. I for one would kill to live where you do.

Sorry, rant over, but I do think it's important, especially just now. Once we have the "definitive list", well, that's where we can drive & that's all, but there's a helluva lot of ****s out there who've pinched the Ravukilander4Xtosser off of their long suffering spouses for the W/end who are going to shoot all of us in the reproductive systems if we take this lightly.......Done now.

Best to all,

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