
New Member
White walls are coming back into fashion (that's if they ever went out of fashion)

here's how to get them on your car. i tried it on my car, and it began to flake, so it probably only good for short term use. the spray peels off. if the wheel is clean it might work better.

so i have done it properly now pls read below and have a look at result in pictures

what you need

whitewall paint very hard to get hold off )
electrical tape

Step one:

Run tape around the outside of the wall of the tyre. follow the edge of the tread to make it easy,

Step two:

Run tape around the inside edge of the tyre wall as well as around the edge of the wheel.

Step three

Lightly paint the whitewall paint colour changer onto the unmasked bit of tyre. Building up layers slowly to get an even coat.

Step four

Peel off the tape and see the final result. Since we're colouring rubber, the finish won't last very long, but you can help it last longer by cleaning up the tyre and preparing the surface first.

PS: as soon as i have all 4 tyres all done and than fitted back on freelander i will show you the end result I'm very sure it will look excellent

your comment pls


he'll be putting rod operated drum brakes and oil burning headlights on his gaylander next
i thought they already had them.

white walled tyres - on a classic 1950s septic cruiser - yes.
on a gaylander? Nooooooooooooo!
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleeeeze noooooooooooooooooooooooo don't show us em pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzze nooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleeeeze noooooooooooooooooooooooo don't show us em pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzze nooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

don't be like that remember everyone is individual thats what makes the world go round
really, honestly, can't wait to see the pictures of the wheels on your freelander. It might be one of those odd things that doesn't look quite right when the wheels are off the car, but when they're on, well a different story. Then again, maybe not.

extra points for doing it on the dining table ! Anything car/van related doesn't get past the front door in our house.

as a footnote, I seem to recall from the 60's retro car scene that the white wall tyre effect were a kind of white vulcanised flat rubber ring that was glued to the side wall of the tyre, so didn't flake or crack, but did discolour, but could be then scrubbed clean.
don't be like that remember everyone is individual thats what makes the world go round
ffs heidi!!! if everyone is a individual and helps make the world go round then shirley mr grunt has every right, nay! it his duty to voice his ahpinyin.
cos if he dint then the world would stop going round and if everyone thought it wur a absolutly brill idea to paint white rings on gaylander tyres then the world would start spinning the other way. and then when folks started painting white rings on other landy model's tyres the whole solar system would start running backwurds. so it follows that it would only be a question of time before enought tyres had white rings and the whole universe would be going backwards!!!
and when that happens the only thing left would be for time to start running backwards and everything would implode and we'd be back at the point in time just before the big bang.
so i beg you in the interests of the human race and paulb please dint paint any more white rings on yer tyres
i gree with you me and my big mouth anyway i have just put one side on doing the other 2 tyres tonight


PS: will do better pictures as soon as


Hi Adam,

While I admire your atristic side and I am sure the white tyres will get you noticed with people pointing and laughing surely you could find something else with your time.

I mean please tell me you didn't just get up on Sunday morning and think to yourself "I know i'l go out and unbolt the wheels on me landy and paint them white"

I mean there has to be more to life! On a Sunday you could go to church, go shopping, go Bungee jumping or have sex with something or someone rather than tear your wheels off and paint them white.

And after all that you take pictures of them them and give us a guide on how to fill our sunday afternoons!
I think it is great how local councils intergrate homes for the mentally challenged into new housing developments!
Perhaps not quite something I'd try myself.

Please be honest adam and pray tell us how you feel about the overall effect that painting the sidewalls white has had on the appearance of your freelandy

please slob, no more talk of universes and time running backwards otherwise you know who will jump up and try and save the universe before you can say "GORDONS ALIVE!"
a bet you've even got a boot full of moonshine


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