
New Member
I've just got my Perkins turbo diesel running in my 2a, and I am engulfed by plumes of white smoke whenever I rev up the engine. The smoke appears as I accelerate the engine, but if I hold the gas at a steady rev, the smoke ceases. I don't think it's the head gasket, as the water pressure is fine, the temperature is fine, no oil/water leaks etc.

The engine has stood for a while, and creating a conversion plate did involve standing it on its head.

Any ideas what may be causing the white smoke?
In my experience with high performance turbo petrol motors, white or blue smoke when revving indicates knackard turbo oil seals. I assume this would be the same with a diesel motor because the oil would be introduced into the exhaust stream at the turbine in the turbo (after combusion). Any oil entering the motor via the compressor side would be alot harder to detect in a diesel motor beacuse of the nature of the blacker exhaust gas, making it harder to spot. The low rpm and boost involved with a turbo on a diesel motor makes it less likely to happen (oil seal failure) than a 1.5+bar boost and high rpm level on a performance petrol turbo motor, but I wouldnt say its impossible. The only other thing I could think of would be water entering the cylinder via a spent head gasket, but enough burning water on a diesel to see white smoke would make your coolant level reduce quickly. Just a thought. See turbo technics if you think your seals need replacing, and you dont have a spare turbo. Ive used them in the past for hybrid turbo rebuilds and are competetivly priced and do a great job, dont buy a new turbo! Hope this helps a bit.
Give it a good run, sounds silly but the exhaust might be full of smoke, if no better and as you say not loosing or burning water check the injection pump timing, fuel filters,lines and pick ups as this can be a sign of fuel blockage

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