
New Member
Since last service on my Disco, Automatic, Y reg', there's been a whining sound coming from the transmission area, the mechanic reckons this is most likely because the replacment lubricant is new and therefore cleaner, therefore not muffling the sound in the way the last (presumably dirty) lubricants did. The service included new Engine, Auto box, Axle and transfer box oil/fluid replacement.
There was no whining noise before. It almost disappears once top gear is reached. Does anyone have any ideas that it may be something else, indicating something more serious??
The Mechanic is good and I trust him, but I am interested in other opinion for peace of mind and if I should be aware of other possibilities.
First thing I'd be doing would be to double check he's got the oil levels correct, I don't think much of that old oil muffling the noise theory. Check the levels and let us know how you get on.

Oil level would be my first check too. I would have thought new oil would make it run quieter if anything.
Thanks for the replies.
He has already re-checked the transmission level for me, i got that done straight away. The engine oil level is fine. Some other details which might be relevant:
There was a slight weep on steering box, could that be source of noise.
Also when cold the "whine" isn't audible, only when up to temperature, which suggests to me that the viscosity of lubricant has something to do with it.
Lastly could the axle or transfer box or steering box be the source of the whine, or is it most likely transmission?
I've just noticed that the pitch of the whine changes on full steering lock, especially to the left full lock. Given the slight weep from the steering box, could this be source of the sound or is that unlikely?
Or could there be two noises?? Anyway, easy to check/top-up power steering reservoir and so, hopefully eliminate that as a problem. If it does need topping up, that leak will be a job for your to do list tho. You say you trust your mechanic but maybe get someone else to check fluid levels to make sure your trust is justified....

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