id say the hydraulic, but if you sell them both they might pay for an 8274, which is the daddy.
Depends what you want it for......if you want long pulls go for the'll work all day. Lecky is great but puts a helluva strain on your battery,,,,even with extra batteries and uprated charging if you use it for any length of time the voltage goes down and the amps start piling up and everything starts getting hot :eek:
The main advantage of lecky is you can use it when your engine dies in that little puddle that has you wishing you'd brought along your waders.........BUT.....not for long
Depends what you want it for......if you want long pulls go for the'll work all day. Lecky is great but puts a helluva strain on your battery,,,,even with extra batteries and uprated charging if you use it for any length of time the voltage goes down and the amps start piling up and everything starts getting hot :eek:
The main advantage of lecky is you can use it when your engine dies in that little puddle that has you wishing you'd brought along your waders.........BUT.....not for long
my 8274 has the gigglepin gearbox conversion and will pull allday with no power issues:D

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