
New Member
Hi Guys (and girls),

Well now that I am the proud owner of a 1980 petrol SIII SWB Station Wagon I'm sure the questions will never stop now. I've tried searching the boards but haven't found a good answer.

Which oil are you all using in the petrol engine. Are there oils specially designed for these old girls? Or do you just use a standard engine oil?

All assisitance is well recieved even if it's just a pointer in the right direction.
Hello chap.

First point, yours doesn't leak (I'd guess? How much did you use on your first wee trip?) so whatever you're putting in there is going to stay there. To which buy the best you can as it really is the life blood of an engine (& I'd recommend an oil & filter change to any newly bought vehicle as you don't know what's in there at the mo')

Second, it sounds like you've some pretty chilly trips planned, that plus where your III is wintering, I'd say get something that is designed for that. The first number in the viscosity rating: 5W20 or 5W30 indicates how "sticky" or slippery in the cold your oil is (feel free to shoot me down anyone?) If you're not running hard all day or touring through the Sahara you don't need 20W50.

Have a read of for some general oil guidance

I splash out on fully synthetic as although mine leaks a wee bit, I want it to still be chugging away & probably still leaking a bit in another 22 years time!

So, what d'you all use?

i use cheapo own brand super market stuff and never had an oil related problem.
in me more powerful cars i use a synthetic one; but the beamer,ford and landy get cheapo stuff
OK, so's you got a mechanic with bazoomers & how many cars? I'd use battery acid in the Beamer, sell the Ford & spend some more on yer Landy, personallifically speaking!
Hmmm, well if you's going to save yer money for the good lube just for the Maserati & Jag I can see why your mechanic won't touch yer spanner. & good riddance to the 205...........but isn't that like taking coals to Newcastle?
naw matey its not a case of saving the money i just don't see the point of putting better stuff into an engine that don't need it. and whats like takin coal to newcastle??
Flogging a 205 to the French. Now, had you flogged a Frenchy the Jag you woulda improved the country by just a teensy weensy bit! S'cuse my Xenowotsits, just jokes really!
well i sort of stumbled on the poogut it had twin weber carbatooters on it but they are destined for the landy( just to see what it goes like ) and i bought the jag off a frog
Ahh, I see. Ain't they a bit small though? Intrigued when you do fit 'em, not that it'll help my diesel (unless you believe everything you read on Ebay, eh?) and rather than give something to the French, you've stolen back one of the few things they had that was worthwhile! Sorry, but I always see France as somewhere you pass through in order to reach Europe!
Land Rover recommend a 20W 50 mineral oil for your Landy mate and to change the oil every 6000 miles. Nothing to be gained from using synthetics, these old engines were designed for mineral oil and the thinner modern oils don't work as well. A good quality mineral oil such as Duckhams Q will be sound as a pound and at £9.99 for 5 litres you'll not bust a gut maintaining the beast.
Cheers all the answers came a lot quicker than expected :)

Looking back my initial question was not as clear as it should have been. I knew that 20W50 was the recommended grade but I wasn't sure if synthetic would be suitable. As it is generally thiner than mineral oil I know some vehicles are suceptable to constant leakage as a result.

Looks like I'll go with a mid range mineral oil 20W50.

Cheers guys
Hi Don't put Synthetic motor oil in an old engine you will do some serious damage because the components in old engines cannot cope with synthetic oils. Stick to good old Duckhams 20/50 or 15/40 15/50 (the science bit is complex but old oil is mineral and synthetic oil is plastic which will do really nasty things to engines (( I've done it ))


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