sorry, i did know the answer, but, then got stuck for 5 minutes watching this and now forgotten...


This happens far too often :/
sorry, i did know the answer, but, then got stuck for 5 minutes watching this and now forgotten...


This happens far too often :/

So distracted at the moment!..... Was there a question somewhere?.…;
sorry, i did know the answer, but, then got stuck for 5 minutes watching this and now forgotten...


This happens far too often :/

Ah thats whats causing the puddle..................

The window seals on my CSW :D
sorry, i did know the answer, but, then got stuck for 5 minutes watching this and now forgotten...


This happens nowhere near often enough :/

Spellchecked for you ... or did you mean the forgetting, not the young lady disrobing? :lvlove-158:
Shoudmhave guessed lol. Kinda stupid really given they are all 4 cylinder, excepts the v8`s which always state the engine specifically.

Thanks anyway!

I thought it stood for County - that is when it's in County trim. Otherwise it's a 90 SW. (Unless, of course, it's 90 which has had windows added)

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