
Hi All
After being put off a RR buy the guys on the RR forum have convinced the OH to buy a Disco. Looking at a 2002/2004 TD5 and will be using it to two a 960kg horse trailer containing two horses that weigh around 600kg each. So I know the Disco will do that no problem but keep getting conflicting advice regarding the gearbox. My old 300tdi was an auto and towed fine. What is you opinion - advice gratefully received
Generally, automatics are better for towing. It's not that the manual box isn't upto the job, it's just it's easier for the driver with an auto.

You'll find yourself having to slip the clutch slightly with a manual in certain occasions as you lightly feather the clutch in. With an auto ofcourse you don't have to do this.

Just make sure the ATF is in good order and changed regularly.
Automatic Transmission Fluid.

It's the fluid that's in the automatic gearbox that makes it work.

Best thing is to change it first under your ownership, then you'll know :)

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