
New Member
We bought our first Land Rover from a local garage about eighteen months ago, with twelve months MOT!!!! Took it to another garage (Land Rover Specialist and really nice guy) for its next test, and was told he had never seen one on the road in such a dangerous state. Makes you nder about the first garage doesn't it. Disco taken off road in March. Number one son is mad keen, so we bought a defender which we are doing up bit by bit. Also bought a couple of second hand chassis to repair the Disco but have been told we cannot do this without loads of tests etc when we come to put it back on road. I secretly fancy a series 11a, and we will probably get a Disco for my wife to drive, once we get the defender up to spec. Have ended up going down a bit of a Land Rover cul-de-sac, but still enjoying it.

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