
Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Just been looking under the bonnet and found that this pipe is attached to the
EGR bypass but hanging down not attached to anything..


Not my pic but the same little pipe,

what does it do and what does it attach too??
how quickly should I get it back to wherever it belongs??
or is it OK just to leave it as is or take it off completely???

Thanks in advance..
It's the vacuum tube that controls the EGR valve operation. If you have the bypass fitted the tube is blanked off at the EGR end. The other end should still be attached to whatever it is that creates the vacuum.
Hello all,
Just been looking under the bonnet and found that this pipe is attached to the
EGR bypass but hanging down not attached to anything..


Not my pic but the same little pipe,

what does it do and what does it attach too??
how quickly should I get it back to wherever it belongs??
or is it OK just to leave it as is or take it off completely???

Thanks in advance..

Shove a golf-tee up the pipe and forget about it if you have a by-pass.

I do have the Bypass..

The black end is attached,
is that where the Blue end goes on to??
It that where I should stick a golf tee in the hole???

Sorry for being a bit slow...:eek:
( post trashed so as not to confuse ..
( query answered in anycase
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Just to be clear - if the OP already has an EGR by-pass all he needs to do is stick a golf-tee (or similar) in the end with the black arrow and cable-tie the hose out of the way.

Silencing the duck noise, if it appears, is in addition to the above.
My egr blanking mod has a pin for the pipe , and is also blanked off at its source


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Now I am worried, its my thread and even I have lost the will to live..:confused:

The pipe is only attached at the EGR bypass, not the other end,,,

Is the blue arrow pointing at where it should be attached??

can I just blank off the blue end, or do I have to reconnect that and block the pipe???
The pipe is only attached at the EGR bypass, not the other end,,,

re-attach the pipe to the "other end" .. which will be the egr solenoid ..
remove the hose from the egr bypass thingy .. and block the hose ..


if your still unsure .. and can wait till tmrw ..
i'll make a diagram on m'computer 'n post it ..
the vacuum flow .. i.e. the vacuum pump sucks air From the egr device .. Towards the vacuum pump ..

airflow goes like this ..

From the egr device .. To the egr solenoid .. To the main vacuum line at a t-junction .. To the vacuum pump ..

you've got to block the airflow From the egr thing .. To the vacuum main line ..

so it's gotta be blocked in the direction toward the vacuum pump
somewhere between the egr device .. and the main line t-junction ..

that t-junction should be easy to spot .. ( the solenoid is not easy to spot with covers on )
there's only one vacuum hose coming from the direction of the egr device ..
just follow it .. and block it at the t-junction ..
block it in the Direction Towards the vacuum pump ..

you're trying to prevent the vacuum pump from sucking air thru an open hose is all ..

does that make any sense .. or confuse more ?


i have now lost the will to go hungry .. :)
am offline for a late dinner ..


( edit .. 1:48 am .. 1st may )
have made a diagram .. will finish it 'n post after morning cuppa :)
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attached :
egr vacuum blocking options / td4 vacuum route diagrams ..
and pic of my egr vacuum block


' option 2 ' .. will negate the ' dying-duck' noise on shutdown ..

reason for dirt-ingress-block on ' option 2 ' .. is ..
so that the solenoid doesn't end up sticking / failing .. and therefore ..
resulting in the ecu logging an engine fault and causing the dashboard warning lamp to illuminate .. in theory :)


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Thank you so very much for the time taken to explain,
I will get it sorted this weekend..

Again Thank you..
Many thanks for the info on hose routing. Found one dangling and couldn't see where it came from. Turns out it was from the T piece in the vacuum line. Incidentally it had worn through about 1" from the EGR solenoid. I'm surprised I didn't notice any performance problems. Cut and shortened now so hopefully OK.
I opt for cleaning my EGR out twice a year and have no troubles, I also clean and change the manifold and MAP sensor at the same time.

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