Same place... Just waiting on confirmation of the date... All will be revealed from the powers that be soon :D
When? Where?

Not during calving/ show prep time, and anywhere sarf of Watford would be my preference! ;) :)
Will be same place as last 2 years Stanford Hall, dates to be confirmed still
Will be same place as last 2 years Stanford Hall, dates to be confirmed still
Oh well, looks like us suvverners drew the short straw again! :rolleyes: :(

My post, ^^^^^^^^^^^^, was largely intended to be provocative/humorous. But I do wonder what is the point of posting a thread asking where?, when it is clearly already decided? :confused:
Oh well, looks like us suvverners drew the short straw again! :rolleyes: :(

May I ask why this event can't be mover around the country every year?
Whilst I fully expect to be told "Because its central" it does seem a little strange that other parts of the country are not considered or visited.
Easy answer - don't support it.
That would be easy! Was last year! :D

But I would actually really like to go! :( I don't mind a 900 mile return trip. although I doubt if I would take me landy. But I simply cannot get away from the farm in May. Late summer/autumn I can spare a few days for a trip away! :)
A meet in the south would be good
That would be easy! Was last year! :D

But I would actually really like to go! :( I don't mind a 900 mile return trip. although I doubt if I would take me landy. But I simply cannot get away from the farm in May. Late summer/autumn I can spare a few days for a trip away! :)
Oh well, looks like us suvverners drew the short straw again! :rolleyes: :(

My post, ^^^^^^^^^^^^, was largely intended to be provocative/humorous. But I do wonder what is the point of posting a thread asking where?, when it is clearly already decided? :confused:

Stanford hall is central for everybody, we had a good turnout from Yorkshire this year so going south would be unfair for them + we had one come all the way from Scotland so we try and keep it fair for everybody
We did say if anyone would like to organise a southern or northern meet that would we more than happy... However the reality of planning an event isn't as easy as it sounds... 110women and others have spent a long time building relationships with the venue and suppliers and it means we can keep costs to a minimum...

I'm all for the idea of regional meets... Post a thread in your regional section thread and get something planned!!
I'd love there to be regional meets, as it stands a central meet can just about happen with the numbers that attend.....anything that takes away from it it will kill it. I hope it'll grow and making a loss will stop being such a worry.

Laning meets with camping attached have worked well before and perhaps that's the way to lay the groundwork for more organised meets in the future.

Realistically it needs at least 3 or 4 people locally to share the organising/route planning/play host but I'm happy to help in any way I can
Totally agree with @blue beasty we need to retain this one 'large' forum meet but if anyone wants to arrange a smaller northern meet up for us norfffferrrrnnnssss I'm happy to help where I can :) great way to meet people off here and hopefully a way to engage people to come to our yearly event!!!

There is a very special twist to next year so we are hoping to get an even greater turn out than this year :D
Oh this is so reminiscent of my first forums!!
We used to have 2 large meets a year then "local" ones pretty much every weekend.
Granted ours involved pubs food and sleeping arrangements but was a holy nightmare lol
Oh this is so reminiscent of my first forums!!
We used to have 2 large meets a year then "local" ones pretty much every weekend.
Granted ours involved pubs food and sleeping arrangements but was a holy nightmare lol

Haha well we are all very open to regional pub meets and laning days....

The annual event was amazing this year, well I thought so anyway! But it took a lot of planning behind the scenes... Which may or may not be recognised...

I would love for regional meets to happen especially if it meant all these people would be happy to travel those extra miles to the big annual meet to come and meet the rest of us!
Alas I know nothing about the lanes round this way. Hells bells I've only just got my disco.
Yes I would love to go to the next big meet but I've got to sort it all out logistics wise. (And pennywise) as I said to vilguy I'm thinking I may have bitten off more than I can chew atm house refurb. Landy sort out, plus new baby.

The folks I have met off of here have been brilliant so ill be sticking about (if that's ok) ill offer my help as and where I can but until things are more settled here I couldn't even sign up for a night out on the pop! Lol

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